Haven's POV

After Michael called me I couldn't of been more excited and nervous at the same time.

Excited because it was Michael fucking Clifford and he asked me out on a date.
Nervous because of the fact that it was a date and I was so afraid that I would mess it up.

I figured knowing Michael it wouldn't be anything to fancy so I just put on casual clothes.

I put on a Rolling Stones shirt, my white skinny jeans, and my red converses.

Then I had to go figure out what to do with my hair.

I kept it black because black matched both of my eyes and because I was always worried about what everyone thought about them.

But after moving to Australia I realized that I don't care so now I'm thinking about dyeing it a different color I'm just not sure what color yet.

I shrugged the thought off though and straightened my hair letting it fall down my back.

I then did a light neutral color of eyeshadow and my eyeliner of course.

I put on some chapstick and gave myself one last look in the mirror.

Not too bad for once.

I walked back out into my bedroom and grabbed my phone and my house keys.

It had just turned six when I heard a knock at my door.

Right on time.

I smiled to myself before walking out into the living room to answer the door.

I opened it to find a very handsome Michael looking back at me.

He had the cutest smile on his face and looked well he looked hot.

I mean he looks hot all the time but damn.

"You ready to go?" He asked excitedly.

I smiled and nodded, "Yeah let's go."

He turned around and waited for me to follow him because I had to lock the apartment up.

I put my keys in my pocket then walked to his side.

He smiled down at me and slipped his hand into mine intertwining our fingers.

We walked hand in hand to the car and he opened the door for me while bowing.


"Madame." He said pretending to take off the hat he wasn't wearing.

I laughed and stepped into the car, "Thank you kind sir." I said as he shut the door.

I could hear him laughing as he jogged to the other side and got in.

I hadn't even bothered to ask where we were going but honestly I didn't really care.

I loved all food and plus if it's anywhere with Michael I will be happy.

We rode in a comfortable silence listening to the radio.

Every once in a while I would reach up to turn the volume up or down and he would swat my hand away then do what I was just about to.

The next thing I knew we were pulling up at a restaurant.

I had passed by it a couple of times on the way home but I had actually never been here before.

I put my hand on the handle and opened the door causing Michael to get up and reach over and shut it all over again.

"What are you doing?" I asked laughing.

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