***Authors note***
Hey lovelys!! Just wanted to see how you enjoyed the story so far? If you have any ideas on how to make it better or something like that please feel free to tell me. Anyways I will let you lovely people get back to reading! Comment or vote!

(Special POV) Sunny's POV

After meeting Haven at the beach our friendship has continued to grow stronger with each day that passes.
I'm not sure what it was but when I saw her it was like seeing myself.

A lot of people don't know this but once upon a time I also used to self harm.

That was forever ago though of course I don't do it anymore but I will never forget it I still have the scars to remind me.

So seeing Haven just reminded me of then and I knew how she must be struggling.

Not only that though but we do get along great.

Sure I have other friends but she's my best friend.

So currently we are laying on a bunch of pillows and blankets in the middle of my floor and watching our favorite show American Horror Story.

Just then my phone went off and I rolled over to get it.

"Who's that?" Haven asked not taking her eyes off the screen as she grabs another handful of popcorn.

"It's Luke." I said smiling.

I looked over at her and she smirked and wriggled her eyebrows.

I grabbed a pillow and hit her with it, "Shut up."

She just laughed and continued watching the show.

Ever since meeting Luke I can't seem to get my mind off of him.

I don't know what it is about that boy but I'm not complaining.

We talk all the time about random things but it never gets boring.

Just as I turned back to the tv screen my phone went off again.

"Luke wants to hang." I said reading the text out loud.

Haven groaned, "But your hanging with me today."

I laughed, "He knows that he said you can hang with us too."

She rolled her eyes, "Oh great I would love to because you know I love being the third wheel."

I smirked and just looked at her little did she know it wasn't just Luke who was coming.

Me and Luke both agree that Michael and Haven would be cute as fuck together. Plus Luke says all Michael ever talks about is Haven. And Michael is all Haven ever talks about.

It's just meant to be.

Haven turned to look at me and raised her eyebrows.


I shrugged, "I don't think you will be third wheeling."

"What do you mean?" She asked pausing the show because we had both stopped watching it.

"Oh nothing."

She laughed and hit me with a pillow, "That's not funny seriously what do you mean?"

I rolled over and smirked grabbing the bowl of popcorn from her.

"Let's see how do I put this? Michael is also coming to hang with us."

Haven's POV

As soon as his name left her mouth I jumped up.

I looked back down to see her looking at me laughing.

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