***Authors note***
Hey guys!! Hope your enjoying the story so far. Just wanted to say that I'm out of data on my phone so if I don't update then don't worry I will as soon as I have internet so please be patient. Also please vote and comment and tell me what you think of it I've been working really hard on it so I hope you like it. Anyways that's all I wanted to say so continue reading and enjoy! Thank you so much lovelys!!
Haven's POV

After meeting Sunny at the beach we have become great friends. Hell we're actually becoming best friends. She's over at my apartment almost all the time and I'm at hers a lot too.

I also can't stop thinking about the Michael dude I met. We barely even had a conversation but I can't seem to get him out of my head. All I see every time I close my eyes are his beautiful eyes.

Ugh what am I talking about I highly doubt he even thought about me like that.

"Haven!" I heard Sunny yell yanking me out of my thoughts before I got too deep.

"Yeah?" I asked laughing a little because she was laying upside down on my couch.

"Let's go do something today." She said attempting to get up but falling instead.
I laughed, "Like what?"
She shrugged and smirked. "I don't know I was thinking about going back to the beach you remember that Luke guy who came up to play volleyball with us? I wanna run into him again he's cute."

I looked over at her and she blushing so hard.

"Oh my god Sun you like him!" I yelled jumping up.

"No I don't!" She screamed trying to hide her smile.

"Yes you do!"
"Yesssss!" I said laughing and drawing out the s. Instead of arguing back like I expected her to she rolled her eyes and got up.

"Whatever think what you want but I'm going to the beach. I really wanna swim plus it's Monday so most people are gonna working and it won't be crowded.

I couldn't argue with her on that because it was true and I also wanted to go swimming while it was still pretty out. Plus I kinda wanna run into that Michael dude again.

Wait what?

No I don't.

God Haven get it together.

I shook my head dismissing any thoughts of Michael and skipped down the hallway into my bedroom to get my bathing suit.

I slipped it on and put white shorts and a baggy t shirt on. Then I brushed through my hair pulling it up in a pony tail. I looked in the mirror and sighed. I didn't really like my eyes cause they were totally different colors and I always felt like everyone was staring at me when I didn't have in my contacts. So I looked down at my outfit I was feeling brown today so I grabbed my brown contact to go in my blue eye and put it in. I always kept my hair dark because it matched both of my eye colors.

Finally I was finished and walked out into the living room to see Sunny dressed and waiting on me.

I grabbed my sunglasses but before I could put them on she noticed my eyes.

"Why do you have your contact in?"
I shrugged and looked down at the ground. She knew I didn't really like my eyes but she loved them. She noticed that I didn't wanna talk about it and slung her arm over my shoulder.
"Don't worry Haven I understand. You still look hot either way." She winked at me and I laughed.

"Bullshit." I said grabbing my keys and heading out the door locking it behind me.

She laughed too, "Oh come on Haven you know it's true. I bet every guy at the beach will be drooling over you. I will probably end up beating someone's ass by the end of the day." I laughed and rolled my eyes. The only guy I wanted drooling over me at the beach was Michael.

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