Haven's POV

It's been a few weeks since Michael asked me to marry him and I couldn't of been happier.

I moved in with him in these few weeks.

I didn't really have a lot to move though because I usually stayed at his house anyways it was just official now.

The boys and their band have been doing great.

Their still super busy and Patrick says they will be for a while but it's worth it.

Me and Sunny go to every single meeting they have and we enjoy every minute of it.

Not only do we get to spend more time with the boys but we also get to watch their dreams come true.

As long as Michael is happy I will be happy.

It's been kinda hard these past few days though.

Michael's been really distant lately and I don't know why.

On top of that whenever I ask him about it he snaps at me and then it turns into an argument and results in me leaving and going to sleep at Sunny's.

That is why I'm here now.

Last night was probably the worst one yet though.

Him and the boys came home late and they were all tired and so was I because I had stayed up waiting for them.

Honestly at this point though I can't even remember what we started fighting about in the first place.

All I remember is Michael saying some really hurtful things which resulted in me saying hurtful things only to end up crying.

I saw tears in his eyes and a few slip down his cheek while I was full on sobbing.

I left like that too.

I couldn't be there anymore so I didn't even tell him where I was going or that I was leaving.

I just walked right out of our bedroom down the hall and out of the door.

Ashton, Calum, and Luke all questioned me and tried to stop me but I just kept walking.

I walked right to Sunny's.

I didn't even have to explain why I was there because as soon as she opened the door and saw I was crying she let me in no questions asked.

Thinking about it even hurts.

Me and Michael have never really fought so now that we are starting to it scares the hell out of me.

Everything was just fine.

We are engaged and all of a sudden everything starts going downhill.

My phone went off and I rolled over on Sunny's bed to get it.

I had a bunch of texts from Michael.

Love of my life: baby I'm sorry

Love of my life: god I'm such a fucking
idiot I don't even know what I was thinking

Love of my life: you know the bed doesn't feel the same without you

Love of my life: I'm so fucking sorry baby

Love of my life: I'm sorry you fell in love with a jerk like me

Love of my life: I'm so sorry beautiful

Reading his texts made me want to cry.

I knew he was hurting too just like I was.

At this point I just wanted to go back home and run into his arms and tell him how much I'm sorry but I can't.

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