Haven's POV

The next morning I woke up to the sound of my phone going off.

I groaned and rolled over deciding to ignore it.

But it continued to go off and I didn't want it to wake Michael so I rolled back over and grabbed it.

I squinted at the brightness as I saw all of the notifications I had.

There were at least a thousand if not more from YouTube about the video of the boys I posted yesterday.

I grew anxious as I clicked on the app and scrolled through all the comments I was afraid they would be mean but instead I got the opposite.

All of them were about how good the boys sounded.

I smiled to myself and went to put my phone down when I got started getting a call.

I didn't know the number but I answered it anyways.


"Yes is this Haven Smith?" It was a male and he had a hint of excitement in his voice.

I slowly got up careful to not wake Michael and walked into the kitchen being as quiet as possible considering everyone else was still sleeping.

"Yes this is she. Who's calling?" I had no idea who this was or how they got my number or even knew my name.

"This is Patrick from Imperial Record Company(side note: I know that's not the real company but just go with it anyways back to the story!) one of our talent scouts saw the video you posted yesterday and we were wondering what your connection to them was and if you could help us."

My eyes widened as I sat down.

A record company.

A record company saw the video of the boys singing.

That could only mean one thing.

But I didn't want to get my hopes up so I went along with it and answered his question.

"My boyfriend is one of the boys."

"Oh then you should be very helpful with us. You see these boys are very talented and we wanted to meet them in person and talk to them about a possible signing with our company."

Oh my god.

I was right.

Ok Haven keep calm.

"Yes sir I'm sure they would love to meet with you."

"Great how does tomorrow at 2 sound?"

"That sounds great. Where do we go?"

"You can come to the studio do you know where we are located?"

I did actually.

I could remember passing it a few times it was a huge building downtown there was no way you could miss it.


"Great also what do they call themselves again?"

"5 Seconds Of Summer."

He repeated what I had just said as if he was writing it down.

"Ok we will see you tomorrow bye."


I hung up and couldn't hold in my excitement anymore so I did the only thing left to do.

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