Haven's POV

I've been at Michael's for the past week.

I still haven't told them the whole thing about my mom because I don't like to talk about it let alone even think about it.

Today I decided to go home to check up on everything while Michael and the rest of the guys were practicing their music.

Michael insisted that he could drive me home but I'm stubborn so now I'm driving back to my apartment.

I got there and unlocked the door walking in.

It was still clean so that was a good thing.

I went upstairs and stripped out of my clothes grabbing new ones and running into the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

In those days that my mom tried to come back I did something I regret.

I started a cycle that took me so long to stop.

I was 10 months clean and I just had to ruin it.

So now instead of seeing old scars up my arms I saw fresh new ones.

That was another reason I didn't want to see anyone.

They all knew what I used to do they had all seen my scars but they didn't care as long as I didn't do it anymore.

I promised Michael that I wouldn't do it.

But I broke that promise.

I ran my hand over my arm cursing myself for being so stupid.

I looked away from the mirror and turned on the water before I could think myself into a bad mood.

I stepped in and let the hot water wash over me.

I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my waist and one in my hair.

Just as I opened the bathroom door I heard knocking coming from the front door.

I checked my phone and had a few missed calls from Michael and a text telling me he was on his way because they finished practice early.

I realized it was him and completely forgot I had just a towel on and ran into the living room slinging the door open.

There he stood smiling like an idiot.

"Hey beautiful." He said taking note of my appearance.

"Oh sorry I don't think I know you." I said trying not to laugh and going to shut the door.

He stuck his foot in front of it to keep it from closing and walked in before I could stop him.

He grabbed me by the waist and pushed me against the wall his lips instantly finding mine.

It happened every time.

Every time his lips touched mine I felt sparks.

I loved every second of it too.

Eventually he let go gasping for air and smiling.

Our foreheads rested together and I looked down realizing I was still in just a towel.

I laughed and pushed him off of me.

"I'm going to change." I said walking away quickly.

"Why? I like you like that." He said I couldn't see his face but I knew he was smirking.

I turned around and flipped him off before running down the hall and into my room.

I grabbed a shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

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