Michael's POV

"Damn it Cal this is so unfair." I said laughing and shoving him away from the tv in hopes of finally beating him in FIFA. He just laughed and shoved me back and instead of resisting I fell onto the floor and laid there excepting the fact that I had been beaten.

"Don't worry." I heard Ashton say from behind me, "You will beat him one day." He said laughing. I turned around and threw a pillow at him.

"Shut up Ash you don't even like FIFA." Luke said joining the conversation.
"Yeah what he said." Me and Calum said in unison causing us all to burst out in laughter.

Eventually we calmed down and Luke walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked getting up and shoving Calum.

"To the store you can come if you want." He said. I nodded and grabbed my shoes.

"Are you guys getting food?" Ashton asked a smile on his face.

"Is that all you ever think about?" Calum asked laughing.

"No I think about girls too."

"I'm pretty sure every boy thinks about girls Ash."

"I'm not a boy Calum I'm a man."

"If anyone here is a man in pretty sure it's me."

"No it's me."

"No it's actually me."




"Guys!" Luke yelled throwing pillows at both of them.

"It's actually neither of you. Now what do you want?" I asked pulling my phone out to write down what they said.

"Ok we shall return!" Luke yelled running out of the door with me following behind. I closed the door to the sound of Calum and Ashton still arguing over something stupid. I shook my head and jumped in the passenger seat of Luke's car.

"Let's go. I'm starving." I said fastening my seatbelt and turning up the radio.
After singing to every song that came on the radio we finally got to the store and hopped out.

As soon as we got in we started shopping. Well Luke was shopping and I was following behind reading off the list of things from my phone occasionally skipping over a few just to annoy Calum and Ashton.

I looked up and realized Luke was laughing at his phone.
"Luke?" I said trying to get his attention.

"Yeah?" He asked as if he hadn't just been laughing at his phone.
"You have been on your phone a lot lately and I don't understand why and-why are you laughing?" I stopped realizing he wasn't even paying attention to me but instead looking at his phone again.

"Uh? Oh yeah sorry it's just Sunny is halarious."
I nodded and turned back to my phone before realizing what he said. Sunny. That name sounded familiar. Isn't that Haven's best friends name?

I didn't wanna come right out and ask about Haven cause I figured that would sound pretty weird so instead I attempted to play it cool.


"Yeah you know you met her at the beach the other day and introduced me to her and her friend um what was her name?"

"Haven." I said quickly receiving a weird look from Luke. Fuck. I shouldn't of answered that quick. "Her name was Haven I think." I said quickly once again trying to cover myself up.

Thankfully he didn't question me instead just went on shopping.

Then I heard him laughing again and looked up expecting him to be on his phone but he was laughing with a girl.

Not any girl though. It was Sunny.
Haven's best friend. Every time I have saw Haven she's always with Sunny. I felt butterflies in my stomach as the thought of Haven actually being here entered my mind. I thought I would never see her again and yet here we are. Wait. I don't even know if she's here or not. Guess I should find out.
"Sunny?" I asked laughing slightly.
"Hey" she said looking away from Luke and at me, "Michael right?" I nodded and held out my hand for her to shake.
"Wanna hear something funny?" She asked starting to laugh again along with Luke.

"Yeah sure." I said starting to feel like a third wheel.

"Ok so I ran away from Haven and she's been looking for me for like 20 minutes."

Haven. Just hearing her name sent chills up my spine.

I laughed and then I heard a familiar voice.

"Marco?" It said. I looked at Sunny and she looked back at me.

"That's Haven." She said but before she could say anything else my feet were already moving towards the sound.

"Polo!" I said hoping she would hear me. After about a minute she came into sight and looked up slightly shocked to see me standing in front of her.

"Hey gorgeous long time no see." I said smiling before I could even stop myself. She blushed and giggled.

"Hey have you seen Sunny?" She asked.
I laughed, "yeah she was with Luke and if they aren't where I left them then you might wanna check the bathroom because I can almost guarantee you they are in there making out."

She laughed and I smiled as soon as I heard the sound. Oh how I missed the sound of her laugh.

"Hey for your information we are not making out in the bathroom."

I turned around to see Luke and Sunny behind us.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to Haven she just looked up at me and smiled.

"Honestly guys I hate to ruin this moment because your both so cute but we need to get going." Sunny said coming in between me and Haven.
Damn it. I knew it was too good to be true.

"Really already?" I asked turning to Haven, "we just started talking." I pouted and crossed my arms.

"Poor Michael you'll be ok." Haven said laughing and rubbing my arm. My skin tingled as soon as she touched me and when she stopped I wished she wouldn't have.

"No I won't." I said still pouting.

"Well your gonna have to be." She said sticking her tongue out at me.

I laughed, "I might be if you give me your number so we can keep in touch."
I said smirking. In all honestly I expected her to use an excuse like she didn't have a phone or something but instead she took my phone out of hands and then gave it back. I scrolled through my contacts until I saw she had set her name as and I quote 'your gurl Haven' I laughed slightly and slid my phone back into my pocket.

"Thanks." I said.

"Your welcome."

It was silent for a minute before Luke spoke up.

"Well we gotta go." He said turning to leave. I sighed and stepped closer to Haven without even realizing it.

"Well I'll see you around then." I said smiling. She nodded, "see you around." That was the last thing she said before turning and walking out of the door with Sunny.

I mentally punched myself for letting the girl of my dreams walk out without even telling her how I feel. But I'm sure she didn't feel the same about me.

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