Haven's POV

Here lately after I introduced Sunny to Luke she's seemed really happy and she's always on her phone. I ask her everyday who's she's possibly texting to make her smile like that but usually she just laughs and smirks and says no one.
So eventually I gave up and just go with it now.

I hate to admit it but I kinda miss Michael. The way his beautiful eyes sparkle in the sunlight, the way his hand felt in mine, the way-

No. No. God damn it. Haven stop.
I took a deep breath and attempted to think of anything other than Michael. That is why I am now in the kitchen eating. Eating because I'm bored. Eating because I'm alone because Sunny's not here. Eating because I'm stressed as usual. Just eating. In silence. In my apartment that seems so big when I'm alone. But I guess I have gotten used to being alone. I've been alone my whole life. Nothing's really changed. I just met Sunny and she's definitely my best friend sometimes I just feel like I'm not hers. I know it's just me though because she's told me I'm her best friend. I don't know sometimes I just feel unwanted.

I sighed and crawled up in a ball on the couch.



Oh it's just the door Jesus h Christ that scared the shit out of me.

Instead of getting up to answer it though I stayed on the couch and listened as the knocking repeated itself. Finally it stopped and I closed my eyes. Only to open them to Sunny standing in my living room.

I jumped up and looked around frantically.

"Jesus you scared me!" I said running a hand through my hair. She laughed, "Sorry Hav I knocked but you must not of heard me so I let myself in."

I shrugged and sat back down her joining me.

"It's fine you just scared the shit out of me." I said laughing and rolling my eyes.

For the next hour I laid on the couch with my feet on Sunny's lap and we watched our favorite tv show Shadowhunters. *side note- this is my actual favorite show and I also love the movie!*

"As much as I love laying here I just remembered I need to go to the store to get groceries. Wanna come with I really don't wanna go alone plus you know Australia a hell of a lot better than I do." I said standing up and stretching. Sunny stood up too doing the same.
"Sure I would love to I also need to get a few things too."

At that we both slipped on our shoes and headed out of the door.

"My car or yours?" She asked looking from one to the other.

"Mine is fine." I said grabbing my keys and unlocking the doors so she can get in.

The whole way to the store we had the radio turned up as loud as it would go and was singing at the top of our lungs. By the time we actually got to the store we were laughing so hard I could barely walk.

"Ok straight face. I would like to get in and out of the store without anyone thinking we are crazy." I said putting on a straight face. I was able to hold it for about a minute before I looked over at Sunny and lost it.

"Damn it Sunny I almost had it."

After what seemed like forever we finally made it into the store.

In order to get done faster we split up so she could get her groceries and I could get mine.

But even after finding all of my groceries I couldn't find Sunny.

"Marco!" I yelled walking in a circle around the store for the fifth time. I heard laughing that sounded like Sunny's then I someone said "Polo!" But that was definitely not Sunny's voice. It sounded familiar and masculine. I shrugged and followed it anyways only to run into the one and only Michael.

"Hey gorgeous long time no see."

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