Michael's POV

Before I even knew what I was doing I had my lips on Havens.

I expected her to push me away but she did the complete opposite.

She kissed me back.

I could've of screamed and probably would have if I could ever get my lips off of hers.

The taste of her lips suddenly became my new favorite thing.

I felt her smile into the kiss before we both broke it gasping for air.

We looked around to see if anyone had noticed but they were all still distracted with pillows and here we were in our own little world.

No words were spoken.

It wasn't awkward though we were just sitting in a comfortable silence and I couldn't bring myself to look away from her.

She was blushing like crazy and biting her lip which only made me want to kiss them again.

Her hair was a mess on top of her head but it looked perfect on her.

Everything about her was fucking perfect.

She looked over at me and smiled.

Her eyes. Those beautiful eyes.

They were full of happiness but I could also tell she seemed worried.

I don't know why either and it made me realize maybe she had a boyfriend.

Oh shit.

But then again on the other hand maybe she didn't.

Ugh I don't know this is so confusing.

I looked up to see her already looking at me.

I smirked and leaned over kissing her on the cheek.

She blushed even harder before standing up and immediately getting hit with a pillow.

"Hey who threw this?" She asked laughing.

Luke, Sunny, Calum, and Ashton all looked at one another before shrugging not wanting to admit who had thrown it.

I stood up too and grabbed the pillow from her chucking it at Luke.

I wanted so badly to ask her out on a date.

A real date.

I just needed to find the courage to do it.

It was getting late and we all decided to head home.

Luke hugged Sunny goodbye.

I'm starting to really think there's something going on between them two that I don't know about.

But then again I did just kiss her best friend behind her couch so I can't really say anything.

Speaking of Haven she was now standing in front of me looking at me with those adorable eyes.

"Well I guess I will see you later." She said quietly.

I smiled and nodded, "Definielty."

I pulled her in for a hug which she gladly excepted.

I hadn't realized we had just been standing there in each other's arms until Luke coughed causing us to break apart.

"Text me." I said walking out the door.

She smiled and waved but I didn't get to hear her answer because Calum was already pushing me out of the door.

The next three days went by in a blur.

Me and the boys seemed to be practicing a lot more lately so that meant the only time I could talk to Haven was at night.

Today though we decided to take a break.

I finally decided to ask Haven out on a date.

I was really fucking nervous but I pushed it aside and dialed Haven's number.

She answered on the first ring.

"Hello?" God I didn't realize how much I had missed her voice.

"Hey what's up?" I said casually hoping she can't tell that I'm nervous.

"Nothing really honestly. Sunny's sick so I'm just sitting here alone."

I could hear the pain in her voice.

I know what it's like to be alone and it's not something I would choose to do.

This is the perfect time to ask.

"Well I have a question."

"Shoot." She said so casually.

I wish I could be that causal but I was freaking out because we hadn't talked about that kiss yet and maybe she didn't like me like that and god what the hell was I thinking I can't do this.

Wait. No yes I can do this.

I took a deep breath so maybe I wouldn't stutter but that failed and I stuttered over everything I said.

"Well I was w-wondering I-if maybe y-you wanted to come on a d-date with me?"

That came out a lot quicker that I thought it did and I was hoping she had heard me because I don't really think I could say it again.

There was silence on the phone and right then I knew I had messed up.

Fuck why do I always screw things up.

"Yeah I would love to." Her voice brought me back to reality.

"God I'm so fucking sorry Haven I shouldn't of even asked and- wait did you say yes?"

I heard her laughing on the other end.
"Yeah I would love to."

I sighed and smiled, "Ok well I will pick you up at 6 ok?"

"Ok that sounds great see you then."

"Bye Smith." I said using her last name causing her to laugh.

"Bye Clifford."

And with that I was up and out of bed looking around for something to wear and trying to think of where to go.

Finally I figured I would take her to a restaurant not too far from her apartment.

It's a casual restaurant so I put on a grey and blacked striped shirt with my black skinny jeans and grey vans.

I went into the bathroom and attempted to fix my hair to how it normally looked.

By the time I had finished it was already 5:45 and it would take me at least 15 minutes to get to Haven's so I grabbed my keys and headed down the hall.

"Michael where are you going?" Ashton asked noticing I was walking towards the door.

I had already told them all about Haven because let's face it I can't keep my mind off of her.

"I asked Haven on a date." I said smiling from ear to ear.

All three of them starting yelling.

"Finally!" Luke yelled high giving Calum.

I shook my head at them and walked out the door before they could embarrass me more.

"Go get some!" Ashton yelled as I closed the door.

I laughed and rolled my eyes heading to my car.

This was going to be a great night.

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