Michael's POV

It had been a few weeks since I had saw or heard from Haven since our date.

She was so fucking perfect and didn't even notice it.

Everything about her made my heart ache, in a good way though.

I have been trying to find the courage to go over to her apartment all day today.

I haven't talked to Sunny either but Luke does of course and I have talked to him.

He says the Sunny said that Haven's having a rough time.

She said she's not really sure what's wrong but she doesn't want to come out of the house and she's been a lot more quieter that usual and I'm starting to get really worried.

I have been pacing around my living room floor for about an hour now while I waited on Sunny and Luke to come back from going to check on Haven.

I was going to go with them but Sunny insisted that I stay here because she knows how Haven gets during stuff like this and if I go she definitely wouldn't talk to them.

Just as I decided that everything was going to be ok and that Luke and Sunny were on their way back with Haven right now I heard Luke's car pull back up and instantly got worried all over again.

The door knob twisted and I ran up to meet Luke and Sunny as they opened the door.

Sunny looked like she had been crying but I couldn't tell because it was raining.

"Where's Haven? Is she ok?" I asked quickly noticing the sad looks on both of their faces.

Luke looked and Sunny and she started crying.

He hugged her and calmed her down before turning to face me.

"Well?" I asked getting irritated because they hadn't told me anything and worried because I was scared something had happened to her.

"Me and Sunny went to Haven's apartment but um she wasn't there." He trailed off looking at the ground.

"What do you mean? What do you mean she wasn't there?" I asked running my hands through my hair.

He took in a deep breath and continued.

"We searched the whole house but she wasn't there and there was a note left on the table and it said that she had left and she said sorry and not to try to find her."

As soon as he finished I could feel the tears welling in my eyes.

"What? No. This can't be. Why would she just leave?"

Luke shrugged and continued to hug Sunny.

That was it. I was going to go find her I couldn't just sit back and let her leave.

I grabbed my keys off of the counter and marched towards the door.

"Dude where are you going? It's pouring down outside you won't be able to find her." Luke said trying to get me to wait until it stopped raining.

But I couldn't.

I had to get to her before she got hurt.

I shook my head and opened the door.

"If anyone can find her it's me." I said closing the door and running out.

I jumped in the car and started down the road thinking of all the possible places Haven could be.

Don't worry Haven I'm coming.

Haven's POV

Tears were streaming down my face as I continued to walk through the rain.

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