Dinner with the Family

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Colby's POV:

My family and I were all at the dinner table. Mackenzie was sitting on one side of me and my mom was sitting on my other side. We were all talking about random stuff until we got onto the topic of me and Mackenzie.

"So, how did you guys meet??" Dad asked. 

"We met when I went to see Raw. I wasn't wrestling back then. I was a die hard Shield fan. I still am. When they said they were going to take someone, they picked me. Well, Colby did." Mackenzie said.

"Oh yeah, I saw that episode. Who knew you'd meet the love of your life??" Brandon smiled.

"Yeah, well....." I blushed, looking down whilst everyone chuckled.

"Um, excuse me. I gotta go to the bathroom." Mackenzie said. 

"It's alright, you go right ahead, dear." Mom said. 

Mackenzie smiled and got up, leaving the dining room.

"I really like her." Brandon said, making me look at him, raising my eyebrow. "Not like that, she's all yours, dude."

"Mackenzie does seem really nice." my dad said. "I like her a lot better than Leighla. I always knew there was something off about her."

"Mackenzie and I do seem to get along too." Mom said. "And if you're happy with her, I'm happy."

"I'm really glad you guys like her because...." I paused and looked at the door to make sure Mackenzie hadn't come back yet. I reached for the inside of my pocket and pulled out the little black box with the ring I bought. I opened it and showed them as they gasped. 

"I was hoping to propose." I whispered. 

"Wow, that ring is beautiful. Why didn't you get me a ring like that??" my mom asked my dad.

"Hey, I got you a nice ring." Dad argued.

"Our son is a lot better at picking out rings than you."

"Whatever." Dad said, rolling his eyes. 

"You really do love her, don't you??" Brandon asked, smiling.

"Yeah. " I said, looking at the ring.

"Then, you should do it. I'd love to welcome her to the family." Dad said.

"Yeah, and I've waited for so long to become a mother-in-law. I always thought Brandon would be the first one to make me one but he can't keep a girl with him for a week." Mom said, making me and Dad laugh as he glared at her.

"Hey, I'm still looking for a nice girl, okay." Brandon said.

"You're the older one Brandon. You should be setting an example for me." I pouted. 

"Shut up. I actually am setting an example by not settling down with the wrong girl." Brandon said. 

I drank some of my drink whilst they carried on talking.

"We are very happy for Mackenzie to become the daughter-in-law of our family." Dad said. 

"Yeah, and I can't wait for you guys to make me a grandma." Mom said, making me spit my drink out. 

I started coughing violently as Mom and Dad rubbed my back. When I finally stopped coughing, they sat back down.

"You okay, son?" Dad asked, worried. 

"Um....Mom....don't you think you may be.....rushing into things??? I've only just started thinking about marriage and you're already talking about grandchildren."

"Sorry, I'm just so excited. First time being a mother-in-law. But, do you want kids??"

"Of course I do. I just think it's way to early. My career along with Mackenzie's has just gotten started. We both really want to make the most of them before we retire and settle down."

"I can't wait to tell my friends I have a hot sister-in-law on the way." Brandon said, making me glare at him. "Again, I don't like her like that."

"You better not." I muttered. 

"Looks like we have a another Lopez on the way." Dad said. 

I was so glad my family approved. I couldn't wait to make Mackenzie a part of my family. It just sounded so right. 

Mackenzie Lopez.

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