Chapter 4

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This is what Daxton looks like 


Hayden's POV

I danced with a guy and finished drinking my drink. I turn to the guy and wrap my arms around his neck as I start singing the song looking right in his eyes. He's stared at me and stopped dancing. After he dropped on the floor, I walked to the bar and got myself another drink then I went to look for another guy. After a few minutes of roaming around, some guy ran into me and spilled my drink all over my shirt. I gasp and frown as I look at the guy. "What the hell?!" I ask then I kind of shove him. "You spilled my vodka" I yelled as my face turned red.

"Look dollface, it was an accident so why don't you calm down just a little beautiful. Maybe that extra drink wasn't needed," he said in a deep voice. I stare at him taking in his appearance. He had Chocolate brown eyes, a perfect smile, he had brown hair and he had to be at least 6'3. I swear I could see every one of his abs through his dark shirt. I bit my lip as I looked back up to his sexy face.

He smirked and looked at me waiting for my answer. "Are you done checking me out?" He asked as he looked down my body.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the front of my shirt. "I'm perfectly fine. I don't need some pretty boy telling me that i shouldn't drink anymore, I know my limit and I'm drinking way past it tonight" i say and turned to walk away. "Thanks for spilling my drink," I say then walk away mumbling stuff about the godly man and needing to find Miyah, I heard him laughing while I walked away.

I found Miyah grinding against some random dude, I rolled my eyes and walked over to her. "Miyah!" I yelled over the music trying to get her attention. I felt my chest getting really sticky and I sighed loudly. "Miyah!" I yell again as I grab her arm. " I need your keys so I can go change, some guy spilled my drink all over me,i" I say pushing my hair back over my shoulder.

Miyah looks up at me and frowns handing me the keys. "Who do I need to kill for spilling your booze?" Miyah growled her eyes flashing red. She always got a little violent when she drank. Another reason I guess she couldn't be with Joe. She likes her drinks.

I shake my head and put the keys in my pocket "don't worry about it, I'm okay and anyways the guy was huge" I say as I turn to walk away "thanks for the keys" I say and start pushing through the people making my to the door. For being a girl my size, it was hard trying to get through the crowd. I was small, but don't get me wrongIhad muscle because Miyah and I train all the time.


(Miyah's POV)

I look after Hayden slightly worried about her but my beer filled brain made me not want to care. I continued to dance for a little bit then decided the guy was too boring. I went to the bar and sat down ordering another round of shots for when Hayden got back.

I looked to my left to see a larger more muscular guy sitting next to me his large pale hands wrapped around a cold beer. I was about to turn away when his eyes met mine and they held me in place. His eyes were large and electric blue. His skin extremely pale and his hair jet black with a slight bit of facial hair. He was breathtakingly beautiful, I couldn't bring myself to look away. He reached up to me and brushed my hair behind my ear so fast I swear it was invicible to the naked eye.

I blinked several times and it was like nothing happened, I almost wondered if I had imagined it. I took a shot trying to clear my already fuzzy mind. Hayden returned looking better than ever and I slid her a shot. "Drink with me, quickly." I begged her.

Hayden smiled and picked up the shot "thanks i could use this" she said drinking it quickly. She looked around the bar looking for someone, like she was expecting someone to show up. She made a face and looked at me. "That's the guy that spilt my drink on me" she said pointing to the guy.

I look up over the crowd and new instantly who she was talking about because he was fine as hell. I swallowed and although I was uncertain the beer made me fearless. I stood up and walked over to him. "Excuse me sir, but you spilled a drink on my friend and if you do it again I will seriously kill you. Like seriously," I told him trying not to slur or sway but I was failing miserably.

Daxton smiled and watched me. "I'd say you both have had enough to drink, why don't you let me and my brother take you two home?" he asked and grabbed my arm making sure i don't fall.

Hayden covered her red face and watched through her fingers "please stop" she whispered to herself.

I looked at him growling yanking my arm away and pulling back to smack him. Suddenly a strong, cold hand reached out and grabbed my wrist stopping me. I looked over and looked into the bright blue eyes of the bar beauty.

"Why don't we take you home? My brother Daxton here is a little off with his manners, please forgive him." He said his voice deep and soft like velvet making my body melt. I looked over to Hayden my drunkenness not knowing if it was a good idea or not.

Hayden walked over to me and grabbed my arms "we're fine thanks tho" she said giving the guys a tight smile. "I'm not that drunk, I can drive us home" she added.

I nodded at her and them before glaring at them both. "Y'all better stay here. I mean it," I said biting my lip wrapping my arm around Hayden's groaning. "This is why we don't party anymore."

Hayden giggled and looked at the guys noticing Daxton was staring at her. "Okay, bye." she said pulling me towards the door. She pulled me out of the club and walked me over to my car. "Get in, please. We can crash at my house." she said pulling out the keys. 

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