chapter 6

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Miyah's POV

I finished up dropping a pass off to one of the French classes before I took a seat on the balcony of the gym trying to think about mine and Hayden's next move.

I looked over as I heard someone getting closer to me. My heart stopped when I realized who it was. I could recognize that face anywhere and it literally stunned me in my place every time.

"Lost in thought huh?" He asked me his perfect blue eyes staring into my very soul making my face get warm. I looked down doing my best to ignore him and let my mind wonder.

"Y'know pretending I didn't see you drunk off your butt won't change the fact I did," he said chuckling deeply making my face blush a deeper red which stood out against my pale skin.

"If you are looking for an apology you aren't going to get one, just so you are aware," I snapped at him glaring slightly. I put my hood up and let my hair fall around me like a curtain. I felt a hand reach up and attempt to push my hair behind my ear.

"Uhm, excuse me? I have hands if my hair was a bother I would move it myself thank you very much," I sneered moving my hair back.

I always had a good defense for making people leave me alone. I could hurt a human, so letting myself get even close to one was a no-no, so I never did. Making me the peachy person I am today.

"Look, you can try to divert me all you want, but the fact is, is you can't make me go away if I don't want to," he said with another chuckle.

I rolled my eyes and stood up walking off down the hallway to the stairs. When I got there he was already perched on the steps waiting.

"Uhm, what in the actual f-"

"I run track, I took the other stairs and beat you, don't look so shocked," he said flashing a breathtaking smile at me which made my knees weak.

"Look, I am not a regular girl, I don't swoon over guys I don't even know. I don't drop everything and do everything to please them. I am me. And I don't need a guy like you following me around trying to win me over with a breathtaking smile," I said crossing my arms and glaring at him as well as I could manage. He smiled at me and suddenly I was pinned to a wall and he was towering over me smiling.

"I don't like that tone and frankly I am hung-"

"Elliot!" I spun my head around to see the guy Hayden was just with. What did she call him? Daxter? Daxton!

Suddenly Daxton has Elliot against the wall and is holding him away from me and I could have swore I saw a flash of red in his eyes which made my siren blood instantly start to boil. I jumped away from them as quickly as I could and start darting down the halls grabbing my phone out and dialing Hayden as quickly as I can.

"Hayden! Pick up the damn phone!" I yelled loudly at the phone not sure how close they are to me.

"Bonjour, what's up,threw" Hayden said as she answered her phone. She sang softly to the song Paris by The Chainsmokers as she did her hair and makeup. "If we go down, then we go down together" she sang

"Dude! You need to get to school now! Daxton and Elliot are bad news! I need your help!" I yelled at my phone hoping no one heard me and thought I was crazy when I looked up they were both standing in front of my cutting off my only way out. "Like... Hurry..."

Hayden dropped her makeup. "What do you mean, Daxton was just with me," she asked and ran to the door. "Where in the school are you?" she asked and ran to her car, she got in and quickly drove the few blocks to the school.

"I'm in the gy-" Before I could even respond to tell Hayden where I was Daxton had my phone and it was in a zillion pieces.

"Excuses me dick but you owe me a 300$ phone," I growled at him glaring at both of them.

"That sucks," Elliot said smirking at me making me glare even more. I could barely make out Hayden behind throughthe doors. We made brief eye contact before I smiled at them.

"Look guys, I am sure this is all a misunderstanding. I am on my period, you guys are... well... guys, how about we leave it at that," I said smiling wider before humming softly watching their glowing red eyes soften to their normal color and a blank look was on their face.

Hayden started singing as she walked up behind both of them pulling out her dagger. Once she knew that they were under the trance she walked up behind Daxton and wrapped her arm around his neck holding the dagger to his neck. She kept singing and felt something weird in her stomach.

I attempted to keep singing but something made my skin start to crawl and I suddenly felt extremely nauseous and I learned over the gym balcony and vomited.

This weak moment made the trance falter because Hayden and I are strongest when we are together. This dropped Elliots trance and he quickly turned and grabbed me holding a blade to my throat glaring at Hayden.

"You hurt him I'll..." He didn't sound like he could actually finish that sentence. An even though the blade was close to me, it wasn't touching me. His arms were wrapped tightly around me, not in a threatening way but more of a gentle and protective hold.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I whispered to him my breathing breathy trying to come back from vomiting.

"Hey, my name's Elliot me and my brother Daxton are vampires. Wanna go out?" He said smirking making my skin flush. His eyes then locked with Hayden waiting for her to stop.

Hayden dropped the dagger and backed away from Daxton. She looked at him in disbelief. "This can't be possible," she whispered.

"You kill vampires for a living as a siren, and yeah, THIS isn't possible," Daxton said turning and looking at her smirking.

I yank away from Elliot glaring and backing up next to Hayden. "You guys need to go, this isn't a place you need to be at, I suggest you find your way back to where you came from," I hissed at them grabbing Hayden's arm.

Hayden pulled Miyah's arm "let's go, I feel like I'm going to get sick" she whispered and looked away from Daxton avoiding looking at him again.

I bit my lip feeling vomit form in my mouth again every time I tried to get mean to Elliot. I back away pulling Hayden with me and as soon as we hit the double doors and we were separated from them, I felt so much better.

"Why couldn't I be mean like myself? I just kept feeling sick..." I whispered to her as we rushed to our car.

Hayden shrugged and kept her head down, "Let's just get out of here," she whispered and walked over to her car. She stopped and turned to me, "I forgot my dagger," she said with wide eyes.

"It's alright, we can get a new one. Unless you want to go after it," I said to her wiggling my eyebrows slightly. That was one thing we were always good at; laughing away the problem.

Hayden giggled and shook her head, "Nevermind I'm good," she said feeling as if she really should go back to him.

"Race you home," I said smiling at her as I climbed in my car and floored it.

"NOT FAIR, YOU CHEATER" Hayden yelled and got in her chasing after me. 

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