Chapter 18

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Miyah's POV 

A final roundhouse kick to the abdomen took the little newbie out. "Get a drink, you did good today, anyone else like to try before we turn in for the night?" I yelled smirking looking around the group. Yeah I know I like to show off.

A hand popped up and a stranger stepped through the crowd making my eyebrows furrow. "Who are you"? I asked seeing as he was hiding behind a bunch of large clothes.

I shrugged when he didn't answer and smirked stepping towards him. "Let's see what you got," I said spinning to kick and in an instant he had my leg and spun me too hard I nearly lost my balance. "Damn, it's been a long time since I have fought with something who knew that they were doing," I laughed and charged and he managed to flip me over his shoulder with ease.

Suddenly it clicked and I knew in that instant who I was fighting. In the moment it took me to figure it out I was slammed on my back and he was pinning me down.

"Elliot..." I whispered and he removed his hood slightly smiling.

"You really think you can fight as good as I can?" He whispered in his deep voice making goosebumps rise on my arms.

I looked around to everyone staring at me and instantly shoved Elliot off and was inside the cabin in a second wanting to get as far away from the situation as I could.

"Why," Elliot said leaning against the wall in the corner of the cabin with his arms crossed.

"Really Elliot, do we need to have this conversation right now?" I sighed rolling my eyes staring at him to stunned to storm out.

"Seeing as you left without a trace I think I deserve a good explanation," he said and I could hear how mad he was.

"Where's Hayden?" I said my mind instantly going to her.

"Seriously Miyah? I am here, I haven't seen you in over a year, and you want to know where Hayden is?" He shouted throwing his hands up.

"Alright, calm the temper tantrum," I smirked as he was instantly in front of my face.

"You're so freaking complicated Miyah, what do you want?" He asked towering over me making me look up at him.

"If you're going to kiss me, do it and stop being so cliche, I hate cliches," I smirked standing on my tippy toes and leaning up to kiss him deeply.

'Hey, uh, Miyah, can we talk?" I heard Hayden ask, she wasn't far.

'You always pick the best time Hayden,' I groan pulling away from him and walking out instantly.

Hayden was standing at the edge of the woods looking a little too innocent. "Is everything okay?" I asked her feeling like she was being sketchy.

Hayden bounced on her feet and smiled innocent "Uh.. yep," She said and she put her hands behind her.

"What's wro- Oh no no, I know exactly. If he is here, I know dang well who is near by, Dax!" I yelled my blood boiling, why didn't I like him so much? Oh that's right I hate everybody, I forgot.

Hayden looked over my shoulder and smiled wider "Hey Elliot," she said and waved to him ignoring me.

"No no no, Hayden Monroe, where is he?" I glared with my hands on my hips searching the trees. "Come out Dax, unless you want Noah to come find you."

Hayden looked behind her as Dax walked out of the trees "Should've stayed in the woods," She mumbled.

I walked up to him my blood boiling. I looked over at Hayden who seemed to look a little worried. Dax walked to face me and both of us stare with our shoulders squared. We both looked at Hayden as our eyes flashed bright red. The instant it looked like we were going to rip each other's head off we began playing, that's right, patty cake.

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