chapter 5

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Hayden's POV

3 months later

I sat in my AP language class while the professor lectured. I sighed and played with my pen as the door opened. "Ah Mr. Dale, you're late," I heard James say. I looked up, then looked at James, and then at 'mr. dale' which caused me to roll my eyes.

"The name is Daxton," he said and walked to the only empty seat which just happened to be right beside me. I look over at Daxton and stared at him for a few minutes, he looked so familiar where have i seen him before? I thought back to the last party i went to 3 months ago and finally remembered he was the guy that spilt my drink all over my shirt. I frowned at the memory and look back at James trying to forget about Daxton.

"Hey, dollface," he whispered and smirked as he looked at me.

I roll my eyes and try my hardest to focus on James and how hot he was instead of Daxton. But something felt like I was being pulled to him.

Throughout the class, Daxton tried to get me to talk or look over at him. He was acting like a teenage boy that couldn't control himself.

Daxton poked me a few hundred times. I rub my hand down the side of my face and sigh loudly. "What?" I practically yell as i look over at him.

"You know you're really cute, right?" he asks as a few students turned around and looked at us.

I roll my eyes then I look at him "I'm not cute, I'm hot" i say then I finish writing my notes. After I finished writing them James dismissed us. I got up and walked out of the classroom then I walked to my car. I got in and headed to Miyah's house. As I drove to Miyah's i noticed it seemed like a car was following me. I made a few turns and realized the car was following me. I called miyah and waited as i kept driving. "Come on Miyah, come on answer your phone" I mumble and sigh. "Hi you've reached miyah, sorry i can't get a message leave a message after the beep" her voicemail said. I called her again and again driving different ways trying to lose the car behind me.

The car was a grey Audi with black windows, I couldn't see in to see who it was. My heartbeat picked up a little as I tried to act scared, figuring out it might be a vampire that's following me. I reach over in my bag and grab my knife then I put it up my sleeve between my skin and my bracelet.

I pull my car in Miyah's driveway then I get out and quickly walk to the door. I knock on the door frantically. "Miyah!" I yell as I bang on the door "open the door!" I add.

Could hear Miyah grumble before answering the door. "Dude its like 2 pm, why do you got to wake me up like that?"

I push past her and walk over to the window. I peek out and see the car out there. I point to my wrist showing her the knife.

Miyah looks at me with wide eyes before looking out and smirking. "Dude, i have to go get ready for class, you deal with your boyfriend. Without the knife, no blood stains"

I gasp and look back out the window seeing Daxton standing by his car. "He's not my boyfriend!" i yell before I walk back out the front door. "Were you seriously following me?" i ask and cross my arms over my chest.

"Awh c'mon dollface you left class in such a hurry, I never got to even know your name," he said smiling down at me.

"Don't call me that" I said through clenched teeth. "My name is Hayden. Happy now?" i ask not really caring if he actually answered. I turned and started walking back to the house. I pull the knife out of my sleeve as i get back to the door. "I'm not someone that'll allow you to play games with" i say as I stop in front of the door, turning to him.

"I am not looking to play games, Hayden, I wanted to say sorry for what happened at the bar," he said sincerely, looking into my eyes.

I look in his eyes and stare at him, trying to figure out if he's lying. I nod slowly after a few minutes of silence. "It's, okay it was my fault. Anyways i had way too much to drink" i say as my cheeks turn red. I walk back down the stairs and stand at the bottom. "Net time don't follow me like a creep, stop me from walking out the door" I say whispering the last part as i look down, my face turning redder.

He reached and touched my blushing cheeks "I'll remember that for next time dollface" he smirked filling what little hair he has to the side.

My face felt like it was on fire. I looked up at him and looked over his features. I pulled away from him "I have to go, I have training," I say quietly as I step backward, my ankles hitting a step.

"Training? For what? Maybe I can help. I have taken a few classes. A good warrior always seeks advice" he said laughing but his voice seemed fairly serious.

I raised an eyebrow "it's something only Miyah and I do, and anyways I wouldn't wanna hurt your ego" I smirk as I walk over to my car. "Don't follow me this time" I say and as I looked over my shoulder.

"My ego is perfectly in tact, it's alright. It's just like a girl like you to run away from a fight" he said smirking at me.

I stop dead in my tracks as my eyes change colors. I shake my head and turn back around. "You couldn't handle fighting me," i say storming over to him "And the kind of guys I fight are bigger than you and i always win" I've never lost to any of them" I say poking his rock hard chest.

He smirks and suddenly has me in a choke hold with my back pressed against his chest "don't worry dollface, I'm better than your average man" he said breathing on my cheek chuckling. What got me was how fast I actually had me in his arms. Almost faster than humanly possible.

I wiggle in his arms a little. I don't want to hurt the poor human, if only he knew the truth about Miyah and I. I hold onto his wrist with my tiny hands. How in the hell did he get me in his arms that quick. I blow a piece of hair out of my face. I felt his fingers on the side of my neck as he moved his face closer to my neck. My eyes changed again as I try to twist out of grip trying to twist his arm.

He must have felt me grab his wrist as soon as he grabbed me because in the blink of an eye- and I do mean the blink of an eye- he had my arms crossed across my chest. "Sure you don't want any training?" he whispered in my ear.

There's something weird about him. He has to be something supernatural because that was faster than any human I've ever seen. I sigh softly "I can't take you to where I train, and if we go together we have to run back to my house," I mumble relaxing against his chest, hoping he lets me go even tho I like being this close to him.

He begins to let me go and he quickly turns his head away from me. "Forget it, I have to go" before I can even turn my head to look at him, he's in his car and speeding away.

I turn around and frown. "Okay" I mumble even tho he couldn't hear me. I walked over to my car then I got in and drove home. 

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