Chapter 10

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Miyah's POV

They long loving moment was ruined by the sound of footsteps coming to the door. In a second Elliot had me up in his arms and we were instantly at the cell. "I'm so sorry," he whispered setting me in the cell and grabbing Hayden's arm yanking her in and giving her a shove, still clearly mad at her.

"What's going on?" I asked my face still flushed.

In seconds a large group of vamps walked into our room and their eyes were all glued to ours, bloodlust in their eyes.

"Well it could be worse" Hayden mumbled and looked at all the vamps. 'If you don't scream they'll stop' she said to me.

"Got a staring problem??" I yelled at them looking at Hayden and shrugging. This seemed to make them all angry one even reached in the bars at us.

Daxton and Elliot instantly had him against a wall snarling at him. "You do not touch them," Elliot hissed glaring at the rest of the vampires.

"What is the meaning of this?" I looked up to follow the loud booming voice and from the vampires emerged a very large very man who was bald but had a very long and full beard. His nose was pointy and he wore a long tan over coat.

"Sir," Elliot said letting go of the vampire and nodding to the man respectfully.

He got closer to the cell making Hayden and I back up. He was actually fairly terrifying.

"So, you boys brought dinner?" He said in a loud, deep, rumbling voice.

"Well aren't you pretty," hayden said sarcastically and stared at the man.

Daxton visibly tensed and shot her a glare. The man on the other hand smiled a big black toothed grin and in a second had his hand on her neck picking her up.

I watched in horror before grabbing a knife from my boot and holding it to his neck. "Put her down or I will kill you," I growled noticing Elliot shaking his head no at me.

The man didn't move and I began to sing and he dropped her turning at me and smiling. "Well well well, looks like we got ourselves a couple of sirens," he said putting his finger under my chin.

I ran to Hayden helping her up and glaring at him curious why the song didn't affect him. "Are you okay?" I asked her breathing heavily.

Hayden gasped for air as she rubbed her neck. She looked at the man and backed away from him. "He's too strong" she whispered. "I'll be okay" she added.

I stood up pulling her with me glaring at the man. "Touch her again -" this deserved me a harsh slap across my cheek making my eyes tear up.

Elliot stepped forward but Dax put his hands on his shoulders holding him back.

"Kill them both" he instructed truing away. The vampires prepared to pounce but the boys stepped in from of them glaring.

"What if we make them help us? We are trying to take over the rest of the west side, if they help us we can agree not to kill them" Elliot said

"Scr-" Dax shot me a look basically telling me to shut up.

Hayden grabbed my hand and pulled me back 'help' she mouthed to Dax.

"Hm, would you ladies be willing to work with us? If not it's fine you'll just die" he laughed diabolically.

"Not a chance in he-" elliot shot me a look telling me to agree.

I looked at hayden 'what should we do?'

'Not die' she said and looked at me.

I sighed and turned my glare to him "we don't kill humans, but we will help you take out your vampire rivals" I said conditioning with him.

Hayden nodded slowly and looked at him.

"I'll think about it and while i am thinking, you can get trained by all of my boys" he said gesturing to all the vampires who were looking us up and down smirking.

"If you're honestly considering using them Jack, shouldn't they be trained by the best?" Daxton asked him casually.

"I don't care how you do it, just get it done, the rest of you come with me, get them into the game" he instructed Elliot and Daxton. "See you girls soon" he said smirking and they all left but the boys.

"What the hell?!" I yelled walking over the cell door.

Hayden rolled her eyes "nice going dummy" she mumbled to Daxton "bet hey we're not food... right now" she smirked.

"Look we had to do things the way we did or you both would have died" elliot said glaring at Hayden.

"We aren't helping you guys" I said feeling sick remembering why we were here.

"Just till we figure out how to get you two out of here" Daxton said opening the door.

Hayden laughed without any humor. "Oh yeah, we'll totally help you guys. Hey Miyah let's work with the vamps and then more than likely get killed" she said and rubbed her face.

Elliot rolled his eyes "no, look we have an idea but let's go somewhere else to talk" he said reaching in the cell talking Miyahs hand.

"Come on miss sarcasm" Daxton said smirking grabbing her hand.

Hayden looked at him "next time you let him touch me-" she started glaring up at him.

"Oh hush and move your butt" he laughed and they followed after the other two to their secret hid out.


The boys took us underground into a dark tunnel.

"This doesn't look like a horror movie scene at all," I said into the dark tripping over something, not able to see my feet.

I kept tripping over everything and anything and I still couldn't see. I was beginning to get more and more angry and crappy. Finally I got mad enough my eyes turned bright and I began to smell smoke.Suddenly a few tiki torches were lit and I was finally able to see everyone looking at me smirking.

"Shut up," I mumbled not ashamed. I looked around the large open space and noticed drawings all over the wall.

"Oh yeah, not horror movie-ey at all," I said rolling my eyes grabbing Elliots hands instantly feeling a wave of relief and protection over me.

"What exactly is this place?" Hayden asked confused looking around as well. "Is this where you play with your dollies?" She smirked at Elliot making him glare at her and my hand tighten on his.

"No sarcasm, this is where Elliot and I spend our free time," Daxton explained.

"That doesn't sound gay at all," I laughed smirking at them. Elliot rolled his eyes laughing.

"Oh, so she's sarcastic and rude to you and you laugh, but when I do it you get a pole up your butt," Hayden snorts rolling her eyes.

"Guys, just let him finish, it's important," Daxton said motioning to his brother.

"We have been going from city to city killing vampires. We have been finding and turning humans so we don't have to kill them, instead we are making and army to take out Jack and his troops," Elliot explained pointing to the wall showing out his plan of attack.

"Wait... So... You guys aren't the bad guys? You're planning to take him out?" I asked confused.

"Yes," Daxton said looking at Hayden hoping she would be all for it.

I looked at Hayden and she looked at me smiling and nodding. We looked at them.

"We're in."

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