Chapter 17

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Hayden's POV

After everything that happened I ended up walking out of the building not really caring if Miyah tried to kill Dax. I ran to my house and changed then grabbed my phone and headphones. I put my headphones in and ran to the tallest building in the city. I climbed up and sat at the top listening to Pandora. Not my smartest idea but it get's me away from the vampire world for awhile. Killing them used to be the best thing that's ever happened to me, but now I'm one of them... What am I going to do? I don't want to live forever.

I sighed and thought about Miyah, 'I'm at the tallest building in the city, but if you come please come alone,' I said so she wouldn't get too worried.

"I could have killed him, Elliot! How is this okay! How do you expect us to do this? We are not you guys! We kill vampires, we aren't vampires!" Miyah yelled at the boys, mainly Elliot.

"I'm sorry for changing you for the one-hundredth time!" Elliot yelled back and the second Miyah heard my voice she was sitting next to me.

"I healed Joe, I'm not sure how, somehow when I touched his next I healed him and all they care about is how cool that would be to have during a battle," Miyah sighed sitting close to me looking over the city.

I shook my head and took out my headphones "Are they stupid? How many times do we have to tell them? This isn't a life meant for us," I said and grabbed Miyah's hand.

Miyah curled my hand into her lap sighing softly. "They want to talk to us, my phone won't stop ringing, Elliot said they have some things to tell us. I almost killed Joe...I don't want anything to do with any of this."

"We could just leave and never return," I suggest as I lay my head on her shoulder watching cars pass by.

"We could, but we both know we can't live without them..." Miyah sighs and I could tell she didn't want to admit that. It was the first heartfelt thing she said about Elliot since everything started.

I sighed softly "I know," I said before I stood up and looked down at the tiny people thinking about jumping. "I'm not afraid of heights anymore," I whispered.

Miyah's hands were Instantly on my waist pulling me back. "No Hayden, I know this sucks right now but we can do this,"

I turned and looked at her "I wasn't going to try and kill myself, I was just saying," I said and smiled. "I just wanna leave town, no matter how much I missed home I want you and me to leave," I whispered.

"What about Dax? James? How do we leave all that behind?" Miyah asked and it honestly looked like she was considering it.

"James will be okay," I said and sat back down.

"And Dax? Elliot? If you think you can do it, Let's go. I just know the thought of it makes me sick. We are trying to run away from the facts. This is who we are now. We are vampires and we can't make anything change that, So either we stay and fight or we run and live our lives however we want. You pick, I'll follow you anywhere," She told me and even though she didn't want to go, she was willing to go for me.

I looked at her before staring off into space thinking about it. Should we leave? Dax... oh, Dax. I love him and I don't want to leave him but what if it's for the best. If we leave so will our problems. "We can't," I mumbled after a few minutes of silence.

"We could Hayden, At least for a little bit, at least until we get our new selves under control. We can do this. We can take the time to fix each other without them in the way," Miyah said and I knew she wasn't only trying to convince me but herself as well.

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