Chapter 9

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Hayden's POV

I leaned against the wall of the dirty cell thinking about the many ways I could try to kill Daxton. Every time a new thought came to mind I felt like getting sick. I rubbed my forehead and pounded my fist on the wall. 'Anything yet?' I asked Miyah as I look at the ceiling.

'No, nothing, I haven't a clue on how to get out of this place, unless we start singing but all that will do is burn them then we will never get out,' Miyah said back to me drawing in the sand with a stick. 'I feel like a total cliche from those old movies.'

I bite my bottom lip to hold in my laughs. 'Me too!' I say as I sit down on the ground. 'How long do you think those idiots will keep us here?' I ask

'I honestly don't have a clue. Did you look at Elliot and Daxton though? Their eyes... They didn't seem to want to actually capture us,' she said to me trying to convince me they were good for the 5th time since we got here.

'No, all I was thinking about the moment I saw Daxton is how pissed off I was at him and how much I wanted to' I start and gag 'kill him' I finish as I wrap my arms around my stomach.

"Hey!" Miyah yelled to the door hoping someone would answer her. "I am going to keep yelling and being annoying until somebody gets their buts down here and talks to me!" She yelled even louder.

Daxton sighed and leaned against the door. "Elliott get your girlfriend!!" he yelled and covered his ears just incase she started singing.

"Hello!? I am talking to you! I will sing as loud as I can till someone comes and talks to me!" Miyah yelled louder banging on the bars with one of the heels on her boot.

"Elliott! Girlfriend now!!" Daxton yelled again as he plays on his phone.

Elliot sighed grabbing his brother's arm and dragging him down to the cell with him. "Miyah! Shut the heck up! You are giving me a migraine!" Daxton yelled at Miyah.

"Well, get me out of here and I will shut up," Miyah said matter of factly.

"Miyah, you can't and being loud isn't making things any better," Elliott said his eyes showing guilt and regret.

"I wouldn't say that. She'll just get louder" I say as I lay down on the ground. I cover my face with one of my arms and sigh.

Daxton turned to me and looked at me. He walked over to the cell door and watched me quietly.

"Can you stop being freaky? Stop staring at me," I say as I cross my legs. Daxton shrugged and looked down. I look into his eyes and see that I hurt him.

"Why can't you let us go? Why did you kidnap us?" Miyah asked Elliot.

"You were killing my family!" He yelled at her.

"You're killing millions of people!" Miyah yelled back at him angrily.

I sat up and looked at Miyah a little worried. "Oh the poor baby lost his family, " I say as I stand up and stare at Elliott. "We lost our families because of your kind,An you" I say and glare at him. "Don't even say oh you're killing my family so I'm just going to kidnap them. People die and you can't change what happened. Next time you complain about us killing your 'family' I'll kill everyone you've met recently" I say as I wait for them to get mad enough to open the door. "Any girlfriends, any friends any and everybody" I add an evil smile coming across my face.

Miyah looked over at me her chest constricting breathing deeply trying to avoid the tears that I saw welling in her eyes.

Elliot however just got pissed and he was instantly at the door. In the same instan, Daxton was grabbing him and Miyah was in front of me in a protective stance.

"Don't touch her," Miyah hissed at him glaring.

Daxton grabbed his arm tighter. "She just wants you to open the door dummy," Daxton said shaking his head. "We had to take you, if we didn't they would have been suspicious," he explained.

My smile dropped "What, afraid your brother could kill me?" I ask turning my attention to him. "Why don't you let him" I yelled my anger getting to me. "I should've die when my family did, it wouldn't make a difference if I wasn't here," I say trying not to cry as I think about my brothers.

Miyah spins punching me in the arm roughly. "Don't say that. Not in front oYou two need to let us out."

"We can't," Elliot says shaking his head.

"Why not??" Miyah yelled angrily.

"Because their poor reputation would be ruined, " I said and glared at the both of them.

"No smart mouth, because we aren't the ones in charge of this whole thing!" Elliot yelled angrily grabbing the door.

'Make him mad, he will open the door, threaten his brother or something,' Miyah said to me.

"Awh the big bad vampire isn't in charge. Poor thing, he isn't as powerful as he thinks he is" I smirk and move closer to the door. I stop three feet away from it. "I know you wanna do it, kill me!" I said trying to make him even more mad. "Or I'll kill her", I say as I quickly grab Miyah holding her by her neck. 'Don't hate me, please' i say to her

'Not what I meant but okay!' Miyah yelled at me but I could hear the laughter in her voice, even in my head.

Elliot, however, didn't find anything funny. His body went rigid and his face was flushed and his hands were shaking. He shoved Daxton against the wall hard enough to knock him on his butt. He grabbed the bars on the cell literally bending them until they snapped and broke off. His eyes a bright red. "You hurt her-"

"And you'll kill me" I smirk as I look at him, my eyes changing colors.

This seemed to anger him to the max. He grabbed the door yanking off it's hinges and throwing it across the room. He was there in a second and if it wasn't for the fact that Miyah and I started singing at the same time he probably would have killed me.

Miyah attempting to keep herself singing but she began to feel sick and when smoke surrounded him she put her hand over my mouth and stopped me from singing. "Just run!" She yelled at me grabbing my hand and running out the room.

I followed her quickly avoiding looking at Daxton. He quickly got up and grabbed my arm stopping me. "Don't run please" he begged and looked in my eyes.

I gasp and look at him. "If I don't go, Elliot will kill me," I whispered as he grabbed my hand.

"He won't touch you, not when I am here," he insisted begging me. "I can't lose you again," he said leaning in kissing me hard.

I froze before I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back. I stood up on my tippy toes and pulled him down closer to me as we kissed.

Miyah kept running not aware that I wasn't following her. She was almost to the door when Elliot was instantly in front of her stopping her dead in her tracks. "You're not going anywhere, I told you, you can't leave," he said stepping towards her slowly.

"Please Elliot just let us go," she begged him.

Elliot looked her in the eyes "I never should've left you" he whispered and reached out her touch her cheek gently. "Please, " he begged as he quickly wrapped his other arm around her waist pulling her to his chest "stay here with me, I'm sorry for my anger and I'm sorry I kidnapped you. But I can't let you go until I know you're safe" he whispered. "You mean too much to me" he added as he moved his lips close to her ear.

She looked up at him biting her lip and sighed closing her eyes. She turned his head to her quickly and wrapped him into a passionate kiss.

Everything was perfect.

Until all hell broke lose. 

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