Chapter Two

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Dakotas POV
I sit at the table and begin to fiddle with the bottom of my blouse. Oh god. He has blown me out. I knew I shouldn't have asked. I hustle my bag and phone together and stand up.

"Where you off too? Not leaving already are you?" I hear a familar gorgeous irish accent. I smile and turn. Im met with big blue eyes and a cheeky little smile.

"If I remember correctly I did say an hour... not an hour and forty five minutes!" I sit back down and pull my chair in. Jamie mirrors my actions and shakes his head whilst smiling.

"I needed to look good. In my defense it wasn't my fault! The traffic was horrendous" his grin remains and I know he's lying. His expression says it all. Hes in a dark black jumper with black jeans and some boots. He looks good.

"You are a terrible liar Jamie. So... what is it you couldn't tell me over text? I got worried. Are the girls okay?" I ask. His facial expression changes immediately. He stiffens and his face twists into an uncertain and uncomfortable look. Its a look I have seen before. Difference is it was when he was portraying a character. Not in reality. Whats going on?

"Amelia and I.. we.. uh.. we decided it was better for us if we seperated. We werent getting on anymore and we argued constantly. The girls dont need that negativity. I dont want that for them and neither does Amelia. We seem to get on much better as friends and we can focus on being good parents to our girls" He doesnt look up. He brings his hands onto the table and starts to fiddle with his thumbs. "Im terrified ill let them down. I don't want them growing up hating me Dakota" its a whisper and I hear a little sniffle. Shit. He's broken.

"Hey hey.. Jamie, you're a brilliant father. Those girls love you to bits. Don't ever say you are a bad father or even question your abilities of being a father okay?" I reach over and rest my hand on his. I give a gentle squeeze and let him get himself together.

"Uh.. excuse me are you ready to order?" I look up and see a young lady waiting to serve us.

"Oh yes. Can i have a four by four burger with fries and a guiness and can I have the steak special with the red wine please" I smile and she nods and walks off. Jamie looks up and smiles at me. He doesn't even need to talk his eyes are doing that for him.

"Im sorry. I shouldn't be ruining the evening" Jamie mutters. I continue to stroke his arm and his other hand comes ontop of mine. My heart starts to beat a little bit faster and I can feel the heat in my cheeks intensifying.

"You aren't ruining the evening. Im a friend Im here to listen when you're in need of some comfort " I chuckle. I pull my hand back and clear my throat. Jamie just looks at me. His lips slowly curl into a smile and I know I am now sat with mischievous and playful Jamie again.

"Do you have any plans after this?" Jamie asks. He takes his pint from the waitress and smiles as he sips. The waitress puts my wine on my table mat and walks away again. I shake my head and sit back.
"Why don't we have a walk around LA? I could really use the space from my apartment. I have been staring at the same four walls for three days straight" Jamie tells me. I let a small giggle escape my mouth and lean my head on my hand and just gaze at him.

Jamies POV

I look down and continue to drink my drink and get a weird feeling inside. The feeling of eyes looking at you. I look up and start from my left and scan the room until my head is right. Noones looking. Then it hits, I look up straight and notice Dakota smiling at me. Her smile is beautiful. Its a big smile too. Her dimples are showing and her eyes are bright. What does she want?

"What? Are you going to answer my question or just stare?" I ask. I can feel my cheeks getting red.

"Nothing, im sorry! I wouldnt mind a walk around.." She panics and sips her wine again. I laugh and sit back.

"So is anyone going to the Oscars with you?" I ask. She shakes her head and cocks her head to the side.

"Why? Do you want me to be your date?" She laughs and downs the rest of her wine. Jesus someone was thirsty.

"I.. uh.. thats a very upfront question" my cheeks stay red. She frowns and bites her bottom lip. Shit. Was that to forward?

"You're being serious?" she looks down at herself and then looks over at me and looks me up and down. I feel objectified!

"I mean I wouldn't mind occupying you to the oscars. I wouldn't want you to be alone on such a big red carpet" I smirk and she chucks her napkin at me.

"For your information Dornan. I have been on plenty of carpets alone and It doesnt seem to bother me as much as you think it does. Plus im pretty used to going to events like this alone. I dont want paparazzi or journalists to get the wrong idea" She whispers. She leans forward and looks at me. She winks and sits back as our food arrives. I look up at the waitress and smile.

"Steak special?"

"Here please" Dakota chuckles. Her plate is placed down and mine is soon after. we thank the waitress and dig into our food. A comfortable silence surrounds us.

"I'll be your date" Dakota speaks up. I wipe away sauce from my chin and look at her.

"Date?" I ask, raising my eyebrow

"Well I assumed I'd be called your date for the evening.." I smile and nod. Why not? The papers have spoke about our "blossoming relationship" before. Even when I wasn't in the early stages of falling for her. Back then I was married and it didnt stop people chatting.

"What time shall I pick you up? I'm a gentlemen you see!" I laugh and drink the rest of my drink.

"Uh Ill have to text you the time" she continues to eat and pushes her plate away.

"Nice?" I ask. She nods and smiles. Her smile doesn't reach her eyes. Was it something I said?

"What? Why are you in some deep thought trance?" I ask. I push my plate away and it clinks with hers. She shakes her head and pulls out her credit card. Nu uh.

"Dakota, Ill pay." I pull my wallet out and grab my bank card.

"Jamie I don't mind honestly!" She looks around for the waitress and in that moment I reach over and take the card from her hand. I shove it into my pocket and sit back down.

"Jamie! What are you doing?" She angry whispers and I can't help but stifle a small laugh. The waitress walks over and Dakota turns back to face me and crosses her arms. I hand the card to the waitress and slam my number into the little card machine.

"Thankyou Sir. Have a lovely evening." My card is handed back to me and I stand. "After you" I push my chair in and fold my coat over my arm. I follow Dakota up the pathway and out the restaurant.

"My card please." She comes to a halt and leans against the wall.

"Maybe later..." I grin

"Jamie! You know that's technically theft. I should call the local authorities on you" she crosses her arms again and gives me a serious look. Time to lighten the mood. I step forward and bend down. I can feel her eyes on me. I pretend to tie my shoe lace and grab her legs just where they bend. I stand up and in one swift move shes over my shoulder. I start to walk down the little alleyway and can feel her hands slapping my back gently.

"Jamie! Oh my god put me down!" She giggles and holds onto my jumper. I continue to walk and subconsciously rub the back of her thigh. She stops giggling and wraps her arms around my body.

"Let go" I say softly. She does and I bring her back over my body and let her slide down to her feet. She catches her breath and looks up at me.

"I should call a cab" she mutters. She turns her back to me and pulls her phone out her back pocket.

Dakotas POV

What the fuck? Why do I want a cab? I want him. Tonight has been perfect. I feel arms slide around my waist and I turn. Im met with Jamies lips crashing onto mine. I push my phone into my jeans pocket and grab hold of his jumper. I deepen the kiss and feel his mouth open a little allowing my tongue to slide in. His hands move to my waist and he grips it tightly. I let out a quiet moan and move to his neck and kiss it once. Holy fuck.

"Jamie..." I manage to get out

"Your place or mine?"

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