Chapter Eleven

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Dakotas POV

"Okay lets talk."

"Its all yours. You start."

"Im sorry I sort of overreacted. I just, you know it was a shock to wake up too. Im not going to lie and say I wasnt jealous because I was. Well... am. I wish I could be over there with you, supporting you but right now I can't and I know I am falling for you. I don't want to get hurt. Not again." I feel my eyes starting to well up. I start to blink fast. Jamie sighs and I watch him in the screen. He itches the back of his neck and looks back up at the camera. Catching my eye.

"I wish you were here too or Me over there with you. Its work, we will be in different countries alot when we are filming. Its part of our job. I know what it looked like and I know I'd have acted the same if it was the other way round. Dakota, please don't doubt this. I won't hurt you and If I do hurt you along this crazy journey then it most definitely isn't intended." Jamie gives me a small smile and he waits for s to reply. Truth is. Im lost for words. Speechless.

"I... i really do want this to work but Im so scared. Im scared Ill mess up. Im scared Im not enough. Im not Amelia. Im not the mother of your children and Jamie... that pains me because thats a normal family life. You, Amelia and the girls. Me? Im a complication."

"Stop bringing her up. How many times have I told you? If i wanted to be with Amelia I would be. She understands. You need to understand. I don't want her. I want you. I think we can settle on us both being complicated but we can work on that. We can make it better. The girls would understand. They'd love having two amazing women to look up to as role models." A tear escapes my eye and I quickly wipe my face. A soft sigh is heard.

"Baby don't cry. Please don't cry" Jamie murmurs. I look down.

"Remember, I said Id wait for you. I still stand by that. Whenever you are ready for the full commitment. I know we can't go full out yet because of the press and divorce but Jamie, im proud of you. Id be proud to hold your hand in public and call you my man." I smile and he mirrors my action.

"Whats that word you use? Ditto? Ditto." He grins and I feel warmth fill my heart. Only he can do this. He makes me feel better. All my insecurities have vanished. Its as if they were never there.

"It sounds odd coming from a old mans mouth..." i laugh and he gives me an evil little look.

"Ouch. Arrow through the heart! Look, i have a couple of days off. I could fly over and we could spend some time together. I want you to stop overthinking. Its so frustrating when I cant be there to reassure you."

I smile and nod.

"I cant wait" He smiles and yawns.

"I best go. The girls are awake and they need to eat and get showered. Ill call you soon okay? Or see you soon. One of them" he shrugs and grins. "Keep smiling and stop overthinking okay?" I nod and he blows a kiss and ends the call.

"Feel better?"

"Mum!" I jump up and run over to my mum. I swing my arms around her and her arms wrap tightly around me.

"Oh Ive missed you babygirl. Olivia rang me, she was worried about you. Why didnt you call?" She asks. She pulls back and gives me a full length look.

"Theres nothing to worry about. Its all sorted now. Im so glad you are here." I hug her again. She kisses my head.

"All you had to do was ring and Id have been right over. Its beautiful here isnt it? "She looks around and I pull away.

"It is. Its amazing to wake up too. The sun is shining and the weather has been good so far."

"So, what was up?"

"Oh just men.. its all sorted now though"

"Really? Why do I fee like you are holding back?"

"Im just. I have my guard up. Im protecting myself."

"What From? Jamie?" She frowns. Why is she so confused?

"Yes. He isnt with Amelia. They got a divorce, I didnt know, it all happened pretty quickly. I just keep thinking.. what If im not enough? I dont feel like I am ready to be you know like a mother figure" I sigh, it all scares me.

"It all comes naturally. You have hung out with Jamie and the children before and you loved it. Its a breath of fresh air. They turn your life on its head but its worth it. I promise" she tells me. She smiles and I hug her again. It feels surreal for her to even be stood infront of me. I thought she would be at home, hanging out and going to Aspen. How I was so wrong but I am so thankful and grateful she is here.

"You really have missed me" She chuckles. I nod and finally pull away. Again. I sit down and pull the throw over me.

"Jamies a good man. I know he wont hurt you. Just don't push him away okay?"

"Hey Melanie! Safe flight?" Olivia asks. I smile up at her as the door shuts after her. Thankful she has come in so the subject can be changed.

"It was brilliant. Relaxing actually. Thankyou! Hows it been here?"

"Its been brilliant, Dakota is doing really well." She smiles and I grin. Ill never get used to people praising me for my work.  I dont even see it as work, its fun. Its something I love doing.

"Everybody needs their mum sometimes. Even if they don't admit it because they are so stubborn" Olivia rolls her eyes and My Mum laughs.

"I am here!"

"We are well aware." My mum laughs again and I shake my head and rest my head back. All the negative thoughts I was thinking before are gone. I feel... like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Jamies POV
I lie down and switch the baby monitor on. Amelia was taking the girls back to London tomorrow morning. Ill pick up the girls two days before her tour starts. Amelia and I have agreed that the girls need to see their cousins and my Dad is back in London for meetings so they will be able to see him again. Dad said he would check in which gives me some comfort. I know they will be safe anyway. I just like to be reassured. Ha. Reminds me of someone.

"Hey. Was just thinking of you. How was today? How was filming?"

"Hello. Filming was good but tiring. Im more than happy. My mum surprised me by visiting. What made you think of me? Im intrigued x"

"I was thinking about things and you popped into my head. I cant wait to prove you wrong and show you Im not like the rest. Im not going to hurt you.x"

"Mr high horse! I cant wait for cuddles. I need them right now. How are the girls? X"

"The girls are doing really good. Happy. Getting bigger each day. Its weird. They're growing up so fast!" I smile and continue to type. "Cuddles is first on my list. Ill see you very soon. Get some sleep beautiful. YOURS Jx"
I laugh as i click send. she responds with a laughing face emoji and a blue loveheart. I lock my phone and put it on the side. My eyes close and for once on this trip I feel happy going to sleep knowing I dont have an argument to go through or a heated discussion in the morning.

Dakotas POV
Mums in the bath having a soak and I am lay on my bed. I start to think of what the future Jamie and I could have. A little boy or girl running around with their big sisters. Always being fussed over. I can imagine a big wedding. Would Jamie wear a kilt? Do irishmen wear kilts?I giggle at the thought of him in a kilt. I am sure I have seen pictures of him in one before. I giggle to myself. I smile knowing he is happy, i admit I do need reassurance but that reassurance keeps me going. Knowing I am the one he wants. Its hard for me to understand because he has had a family before and now he's divorced. Im scared it could happen again. Like history repeating itself. I close my eyes and shake my head. I smile at the thought of waking up to Jamie in a few days.

"I want you" those words go round and round in my head. He actually wants me.

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