Chapter Forty

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Dakotas POV
A long plane ride and now a car ride. Its evening in England. Its still pretty light because of Spring. I look down at my plane ticket in my hand. One way to London. I smile and look at Jamie who is sat on the other side of JJ. His head is leant on the car window and his eyes are shut. His lashes are rested against his cheek and his lips are a little parted. My beautiful man.

I look at JJ in his car seat and he is wide awake. Taking in all of his surroundings. I giggle to myself. He looks over and a litte smile appears on his gorgeous little face.

"What you smiling about handsome?" I coo, he flings his arms around and looks at me again

"Cheeky boy." I bring my hand up to his stomach and tickle a little. He moves his hands over his eyes and peeps through a little gap he has created.

"Is JJ hiding?" I chuckle and he smiles. His attention is caught by a man on a motorbike outside. I watch as my little boy is in a stare. I look at Jamie again and he is still fast asleep.

I know Jamie and I need to have a big talk. I want to understand him more and see why he is so scared. What he is scared about. Its so hard to talk to him, he feels as if his problems arent good enough to be spoken about or feels Im to busy to listen. Im never to busy. We may have a little baby but I still have time for him. We still have our time. The driver comes to a halt and my seatbelt tightens as my body goes forward a little.

"Sorry. These poxy drivers." The driver says. He starts to mutter swear words and carries on driving. I giggle and sit back.

"Is it always this busy?" I ask

"Morealess. London is probably the worst city for traffic. Manchester is a close second" He smiles through the mirror and turns off down a street. I notice its quiet and we are edging towards a little country lane.

"So, I know its none of my business but why you moving to England?" He asks. I smile and look at Jamie, JJ and then back to him.

"To start our family life." I smile and he returns it.

"Whats your name? I feel rude just calling you driver." I cross my leg over the other

"Im Darren. Ive driven Jamie a couple of times around London." He smiles and pulls up.

"Is this it?" I ask.

"Nono, a tractor is coming through." He points and turns the radio down a little.

I look out the window and spot a black tractor driving down the little country lane. I look around and the view is already beautiful. Darren starts to drive again and I keep my eyes on the view.

"Its beautiful" I mutter.

"Very much so Ms Johnson. This is a beautiful area, You'll love it. You'll get alot of privacy too." He turns and pulls up in a little garage way.

"Oh my god. Is this the house?" I question. I get out the car and look up at the house infront of me. Its beautiful. Its a detached house and stands on its own. The front garden is beautiful.

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