Chapter Forty Five

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Jamies POV
Im standing infront of the mirror in my black suit and white tie. My dads besides me in his black shit and pink tie. I have my mate Alfie besides me too. Im so nervous. I can't put into words how I feel. Instead of having a december wedding we are having a summer wedding. I couldn't wait until December to marry my beautiful girl.

"Last one now right?"

"I promise. Shes the one."

Alfie pats my back and downs the last of his champagne. I stayed in a hotel and left Dakota home with JJ. All of her family had flown out yesterday. Alex, Jesse , Don and Jasper are all in the hotel somewhere. Kinda scattered. Chase, Stella, Grace and Melanie are with Dakota, Liesa, Jessica and Samina.

"Make it your last, im running out of money for suits!" Alfie laughs and grabs his blazer.

"Right. Lets get the others and head to the church. Ready son?"

"Yeah I think im as ready as I can be." I too down the rest of my champagne and follow both Alfie and My Dad out of the room. All four men are stood there.

"Marrying into our family ay?" Don grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug.

"I believe I am. I love your family." I pat his back and he lets go. Jesse goes to ruffle my hair but I pull away

"Nu uh. Took me ages!"

He slaps my cheek and wraps his arm around my neck. We all make our way down to the cars.

"Whos in with you Jay?"

"Uh Anyone. I don't mind."

"Right Jim, Jesse and Alfiie. Ill take Jasper and Alex" I nod at Don and we all get into our cars we have been assigned.

"Ready sir?" Phil sits in the front and presses a button. The roof comes down and I feel somewhat more relaxed.

"He's ready!" Jesse calls out.

"Lets get you to the church then."

I buckle my seatbelt and look over my vows. I havent even told Dakota that Ive written my own vows. Its gonna be a surprise. Im excited to see her. See her gleaming in her beautiful wedding dress and see my beautiful girls in their flower girl dresses. We all know JJ will look as dapper as me.

"You're shaking" Alfie points out

"Nervous?" My dad says from the front.

I move my hands into my blazer pockets and shake my head. Nervous? Im fucking more than nervous. Im shitting bricks. I know I have nothing to worry about but im just scared.

The drive seems to be taking forever. Traffic is horrendous. I start to tap my foot on the floor and look out the window. I can hear Jesse and Alfie talking but I pay no attention. Probably something to do with football or music. Probably music. Alfie plays in a band.

The car comes to a stop and I look up. We are here. The church looks beautiful. Theres a few guests here already. I recognise Evelyn and a few others. I open the door and climb out. Phil clambers out too. He looks sharp.

"Looking good boy."

"You too Phil." I smile and make my way in with the boys. I walk up the aisle and take my place at the alter.

I watch as guests start to pile in and take their seats. Samina walks in with Melanie, Jasper and Alex. They take their seats at the front just where my Dad is sat. I watch as my mates from school all pile in.

"Ay Jamie!"

"Yalright!" I shout over. They take their seats a few rows back and I look at my watch.

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