Chapter Six

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Jamies POV
I make my way up to floor eight and search for room 275. My stomach is turning. I feel nervous. Why the fuck am I nervous? I once really loved this woman. I still do. Shes the mother of my child but it isnt the same love I have for Dakota. I finally knock on the door. The door handle pulls down and Im met with Dulcie.

"Hello princess!" I kneel down and pick her up. I kiss her little cheek repeatedly. "Hows my baby girl?" I ask

"Good daddy" she manages to get out. I grin and give her a big hug.

"Dadada" I look down and see Elva at my feet. I kneel down once again and carefully pick her up too.

"Hello baby." I kiss her head and look from Elva to Dulcie. My perfect beautiful girls. Dulcie looks at me. Taking in the new shaved look. Elva starts to rub her hand over my head and I let out a little laugh.

"I know.. daddy looks different." I finally sit down and Dulcie shuffles off my knee and onto the floor.

"When do you start filming?" Amelia asks. I look up and rock my knee as Elva continues to mess with my newly shaved head.

"After the oscars. Flying out the next day. Are you going to come out there?" I ask back. She leans against the wall and looks at me. She looks at Elva on my lap and Dulcie at my feet.

"If you want us too. The girls need their Dad. I want them happy. I want you happy." She smiles and goes back to cleaning the hotel room. I smile and look at Elva. I sit back and hold her up in the air.

"Whos my big girl now ay?" I say to her. She starts to gurgle. Oh no. With the next gurgle a little bit of saliva falls out her mouth and right onto my forehead.

"Elva.." I settle her back onto my lap and use my sleeve to wipe the saliva from my head. I look down at Dulcie giggling at the incident that just happened.

"Little lady that isnt funny!" I laugh myself and my nerves from before have vanished. I set Elva onto the floor and watch as she crawls over to her toys.

"Daddy you staying here?" I look down into Dulcies gorgeous blue eyes and my eyes start to well up. I shake my head and pick her up.

"Baby, Daddy has to work but I will see you and ring you all the time okay? I'll try my best. Daddy loves you lots and lots." She nods and smiles. Her little arms swing around my neck and she stands on my leg. I hug her back tight. Taking in her smell and her embrace.

"I love you so much Dulcie. Never forget that." I whisper. She kisses my cheek and smiles. I know she doesnt understand. I look over at Amelia and shes looking back. Its visible in her eyes that even for her its emotional to see.

"Go on go and play." Dulcie nods and climbs down off me and joins her sister at the toy box. I can hear her softly singing to Justin Timberlakes 'Can't Stop The Feeling'. I stand and follow Amelia into the little kitchen area.

"You don't have to ask or make a schedule to see them. They're your children too. Ill fly out to anywhere so they can be near you." Amelia says. I look at her and smile.

"Thankyou, having them near me is all I want. They mean the world to me." I mutter. Her hand moves to my shoulder and she pulls me into a hug. My arms wrap around her loosely as I hug her back. She soon pulls away and gives me a small smile.

"We will be going back to London first and then we will fly to Croatia. Ill let you know the times and where we are." She assures me. I nod and turn to watch the girls play. I can't help but smile. I overreacted before. Dakota really did help. Without her ringing I dont think I would have been here right now.

"Do you love her?" Im broken out of my little bubble. I turn back to Amelia and frown.

"Dakota?" She finishes. I bite my lip a little.

"I think I do yeah. She doesnt know it yet. You understand.. dont you?" I ask. She shakes her head. Oh.

"What do you mean no?" I ask again. She shrugs. She isn't going to tell me. It may sound selfish but I think I prefer it that way.

"Dakota and I, we have a very unique bond. She had nothing to do with the divorce. She had no idea it even happened." I leave her on those words and walk back to my girls.

"Okay, daddy has to go and sort things out so Ill see you soon okay?" I tell them both. Dulcie walks over and gives me yet another big hug. I kiss her head and pick up Elva.

"You little madam. Ill see shortly too. Daddy loves you." I kiss her head one last time and set her back down on the carpet. I head to the door and turn once more. Dulcie waves to me with a massive smile on her face. I wave back and leave. The door shuts behind me and I quickly hold my hands out front so they fall to the wall. It helps me steady myself. I know they have no idea but I do.

Im walking along the sidewalk. Watching as everyone goes about their daily routines. I feel my eyes get droopy. Im so tired. I've been walking for hours. Clearing my head. Thinking. Bing. Im distracted by my phone. I stop and lean against the wall. Taking in the La air.

"Hey. Where are you?"
"Im on my way back. Ill see you shortly."
"Is everything okay?"
I slide my phone back into my pocket and finally make my way back to Dakotas. I ring the doorbell twice. The door finally opens and I look at her.

"Miss me?"

"A little bit" She smiles and pulls me in by my jacket. I shut the door with my foot and slide my hands onto her cheeks. I kiss her slowly and passionately. I feel tears escape my eyes and I pull away a little. I rub my nose against hers and finally rest my forehead on hers.

"Hey.. don't cry." Dakota whispers. Her hands move up to my cheeks and she gently wipes my tears away. "Im here okay?" She pulls me into a hug and my arms wrap around her tightly. This is home. This is where I want to be. In her arms.

"I love you" I mutter.

"I love you too." Dakotas hands are resting just on my neck. Her finger starts to tickle it.

"No I really mean it. I do love you" I pull back and look her in the eyes. Her lips part and she looks me up and down. My hearts out on the line. Im wearing it on my sleeve.

"Jamie... I have loved you for ages. I..." she smiles massively and hugs me again. This time she is holding onto me. Tightly. Lovingly.

"You're my happy place." She whispers. I kiss her head and smile.

"You and me both." Now all i need are my two beautiful girls.

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