Chapter Forty Three

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Its midday. Ive had phonecalls from my Dad and sisters. A relaxing birthday is all I ask for and this year I finally have it. Filming for Robin Hood ended a while ago. I have time off before my next project. A rest is something everyone needs once in a while. I look at JJ who is sat on my lap.

"Just you and me bud"

Of course he pays no attention and leans forward to fiddle with my buttons on my polo shirt. So easily amused. I rest my hand behind his head to keep it steady. I kiss his forehead. He gurgles and I sit back.

"What was that?"

He gurgles again and continues to mess with my buttons. A little sound from him is precious. Its beautiful. I watch him and he looks up and we both have eye contact. His lips curl into a little smile and he smacks my chest whilst cooing. All of these sounds in one day. What a smart little boy.

"Check you out little man."

I stand and rest him on my waist, I move over to the mirror and look at JJ. He has no clue whats going on. I bring him up a little so he is leaning on my shoulder. I watch as he moves his head a little and looks around. I move him and hold him infront of the mirror.

"Whos that gorgeous boy?" I lean him back on my chest and point into the mirror.

I begin to pull funny faces and make odd noises and JJ keeps his eye on me in the mirror. Hes pretty smart for a month old baby. It already feels like its going fast. I continue to make funny noises and JJ finally smiles and throws his head back into my chest. I watch as his lips move and little noises come out of his mouth. They are oohs and ahs. He's trying to copy me!

"Thats it, good boy!" I hold him up and bring him down slowly before kissing his little cheeks repeatedly.

"My smart gorgeous boy"

I move and sit back on the sofa. I lie him on my chest and give him his didi. We call it didi but its a dummy. Called a pacifier in the states. He settles and messes with it. I rest my head back and watch sky sports on the tv.

"Im home!"

"Hey baby"

Dakota comes into the lounge and stops at the door. I look up and im met with a big smile.


"You two. You really do melt my heart"

"He's been making noises. Cooing, gurgling he even grunted when I told him off for hitting me. Then we went to the mirror, i was pulling faces and making noises. He attempted to!"

Dakota giggles and takes a seat besides us. She rubs up and down JJs back and he slowly turns his head to look at her. I watch and he smiles.

"Hello baby boy"

"He's gorgeous isnt he?"

"Takes after his daddy"

Dakota smooths over his little hair and kisses his head. He turns his head to the other side as Dakota moves across the room. He sure loves his Mummy.

"Shall I cook us some dinner?"

"Shouldn't I cook? The birthday boy should do nothing and relax."

"I like to cook for us. I like cooking in general."

"If you want too, I wont stop you" She shrugs and heads into the kitchen. I look down at JJ. His eyes are closing but he's fighting the urge to sleep.

"Hey, just let go JJ" I chuckle and he grunts. I wish I knew what he meant. Probably a big fuck off and leave me alone.

"Right then..." I stand and he stays against my chest. I walk into the kitchen and rest my bum on the table.

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