Chapter Seventeen

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Dakotas POV
I quickly follow Jamie out of the water. Hes made sure all of the candles are out and has grabbed everything but the blanket. I grab it and follow him up the hill.

"Are you two more than friends?" One pap asks. I bring my hand up over my eyes to shield the flashes from my eyes.

"Why are you out this late together?" Another Pap asks. I keep my head down and watch Jamies feet so I know where I am going.

"Dakota, have you been his secret girlfrield?" I look at the pap and shake my head. He takes numerous pictures of me and I hide my face again.

"Jamie is she your secret woman? What about your kids?" I hear from the front. I hear Jamie muffle something but I dont know what he says.

"Dakota, get in the back" Jamie calls out. I see a car and I make my way to the left side. I climb in and quickly shut the door. Theres a man sat in the front. Has he been here this whole time?

Jamie climbs in and slams the door behind him. He fastens himself in and the driver starts and slowly edges out of the beach.

"Are you okay?" I look over at Jamie and reach for his hand. He immediately pulls it away and itches his chin.

"Thats it. Its gonna be out now." He hisses. I frown and turn away.

"If you are that embarrased of me why the fuck are you with me? It took alot for me not to grab your hand there and then." I look back at him and I can feel the anger building inside of me.

"Dakota! I have things to sort before I make it public with you. We have already discussed this!" He narrows his eyes. I move and hold my finger on the button. The privacy window slides up in the middle and I look back at Jamie.

"Sort what? You're divorced. Have been for a while. I dont see why it has to be some big secret now. That was so lovely back there. I loved it, i wanted to show that but I had to put on a face and act.. moody and not interested" I mutter. I lean my head on the window.

Silence takes over the car. I start to tap on the window with my nail. Tap tap tap.

"Dakota stop." I ignore Jamie and carry on. Whys he hot one minute and cold the next?

"Dakota! Look im sorry.. i just panicked. I dont want Amelia to feel shitty, I dont want us to get bombarded with questions. I just want everybody to be happy." He reaches across and grabs my hand. His thumb strokes over the top of my hand and he tugs a little. I look at him, my head still leaning on the window.

"Well, im pretty sure they got pictures of the whole set up, us in the sea.. kissing. Jamie Im passed it all now. I just want you to be my man and me be your woman. Do it properly" I whisper. A tear escapes my eye and I pull my hand from his to wipe it.

"I know you do, I do too. I know its all out there now. Well I give it an hour before theres articles. I just didn't think itd be this soon. I wanted more time for the divorce to settle"

"Jamie its over with. You are allowed to move on and love again"

"Im scared she will take the girls from me. Im scared if I step over the invisible line she will hit me hard and make sure I dont see the girls again...she still loves me Dakota. I dont want to hurt her" He whispers. He looks down at his feet.

"Oh Jamie" I scoot across and lean my head on his shoulder "Amelia would never do that. She wouldnt do that to you or the girls. She knows how much they mean to you and how much you mean to them. You're overthinking things that will never ever happen. Of course she loves you, you're the father of her children." I straighten his shirt out and he looks at me. His eyes are sad.

"I guess we will see won't we?" He mutters. He kisses my hair and leans his cheek on the top of my head.

The drive back to the house is long. Jamies asleep. The city at night is beautiful. Its quiet and peaceful. Nothing like our lives. I know he is scared. Hes scared of whats going to be said and how he is going to be perceived. It breaks my heart to know that he wants everything to be peaceful and happy. I know and he knows that in this industry and with our positions its very hard for it to be like that. We can try our best to live a normal life but our normal routines are always caught by a paparazzi and made a big deal out of.

I look at him. He looks so worn out. I poke his arm gently and he flinches. His eyebrow rises and relaxes.

"Jamie, cmon we are home" I whisper.

"Hmm" I hear him mutter.

"Cmon, you can sleep when we get in there" I move so his head flops from my shoulder. He wakes and he rubs his eyes. It reminds me of a child. Bless him. I bet he is shattered after today's romantic shenanigans.

I thank the driver and head into the house after Jamie. Hes gone straight to bed. I go over to the table and sit down. Tonight has been wonderful. Even with the paparazzi. It didnt change anything. It was just hectic. Very hectic.

"Good night?" My Mum appears from the balcony.

"I loved it Mum, the paps turned up at the end but other than that it was perfect. He really made me feel special" I smile up at her and she takes a seat opposite me.

"He loves you. He really does love you. He told me about overhearing our conversation. Have a little faith in him, not all relationships will turn out bad and horrific. Have to kiss some frogs before you find your prince" she nudges my hand and grins. Very wise words from an incredible wise woman.

"I know, I just dont deserve him. Hes perfect Mum. Hes everything a lady could ask for." I smile. Jim did a good job at raising him.

"Im gonna head down to my room. Ill see you tomorrow okay?" My mum gets up. Kisses my head and leaves. I decide to head to bed myself. I climb in next to Jamie and cuddle up behind him. Im the big spoon for once.

"You're very warm" I hear his deep voice

"Sorry" I whisper. I kiss his shoulder and roll back onto my side of the bed. He rolls over and cuddles me from behind. Damn it Jamie!

"Smart move." I pull his hand up from my waist and kiss it.

"I love you Dakota." He whispers into my ear. I kiss his hand again.

"I love you too Jamie Dornan. Even if you are a pain sometimes" I turn my head a little and he kisses me. A slow and passionate kiss.

"The first article is out. I checked before. My mystery woman ay?" He nuzzles his nose against mine.

"Sounds very Mr and Mrs smith like." I giggle and he looks at me.

"You arent a mystery. You are my girl and from now on... thats how it'll be. No more sneaking around" I look at him. He looks nervous.

"If you're uncomfortable with it all.. its fine." I mutter. He shakes his head.

"Its out there now. I cant deny it because Im not a liar. It was just all very fast paced. I didnt expect it to happen so soon" He brings me into his chest and my leg slides through his so one of his is over mine. Our bodies are tangled together.

"No more secrets" I giggle. Famous line from our top selling film.

"Reciting our script?" He chuckles and his eyes close.

"Its pretty funny though, its true!" I kiss his chin and allow myself to relax. So now it begins. I am now officially Jamie Dornans girlfriend and he is officially my boyfriend. Now our journey begins.

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