Chapter Twenty

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Dakotas POV
What a really fun night. As I said before Im the one carrying Jamie home. His arm is round my shoulder and he's leaning on me for support. Jim, Liesa and Jessica have all gone to another pub. Seems Jamie couldn't handle his drink.

"Where are we going?" I hear him slur. I just about make out what he says

"Home, you're smashed!" I mutter. He's getting heavier and heavier. Unlucky for us. Jamies drunkness has cost us a taxi ride. Noone will take us because he's intoxicated. Stupid rule.

"Smashed, thats a funny word" He starts to wobble a little and steadies himself.

"You're so difficult when you're drunk, next time its my turn." I get him to the front door and he flops at the side. Brilliant.

"Crawl in then." I turn the key and push the door open. Jamie does exactly that, he crawls in and lies on his back in the hall way. I scoot his foot out of the way from the door and close it.

I look up at the flight of stairs. How the hell am I meant to get him up all of them? I look back at the drunken mess that is my boyfriend and shake my head.

"Okay we need to get you upstairs and into bed. Think you can do that?" I kneel so Im at his height and stroke his cheek. He goes to say something but stops and just looks at me.

"Let me sleep here" he slurs again. For a minute I actually think about it but that would be cruel. It'd be funny to see his reaction in the morning but Im not that mean. Yet anyway.

He manages to get to his feet and I stand behind him as he walks up the stairs. My hands are on his back keeping him upright. Pushing him a little so he doesn't stop and fall backwards. Lets face it, he is much stronger than me. I doubt id be able to keep him from making us both fall down the stairs.

Finally, we make it to his bedroom and I push him gently so he flops onto his bed. He moves himself onto the right side and lies on his back. Time to get him undressed. To my surprise, he pushes his jeans off and throws them to the side of him. I pull his socks off as he pulls his tshirt over his head. Easy peasy!

"Come to bed" I look up from folding his clothes

"You need sleep, you'll already have a sore head tomorrow, we dont want it to be any worst" I smile at him and he smiles briefly back. That smile that makes me fall in love with him all over again. I walk over and climb into bed. I roll onto my side and rest my head just near his shoulder. I kiss it softly and he shudders.

"You know, I never thought me and you would happen. I just thought we would be good friends. But you're gorgeous smile and infectious laughing stole my heart. I couldn't let anybody else be the one holding your hand or kissing you. It'd pain me to even see that. To see you love somebody that isnt me" I smile and kiss his shoulder again. Hes blabbering. Jamies drunk talk is actually quite cute.

"I love you. Only you. Its hard not to love you" I whisper. He smiles and his eyes close.

"You mean the world to me Dakota. You, Dulcie and Elva are my world. It starts with you all and will end with you all" I cuddle up to him more. He sighs drastically and chuckles.

"Whats so funny?" I ask. He turns and opens his eyes. Im met with dark blue eyes.

"Everything. How easy it was to fall in love with you and how hard it would be without you. Its strange" he murmurs and I find it hard to understand what he is saying.

"Jamie, you are drunk. As drunk as a skunk and right now you are making no sense. Lets talk tomorrow okay?" He shakes his head and smiles. His hands slide down to my bum and he squeezes. How can he possibly be wanting sex right now? Im still recovering from our make out session in the shower!

"Im just tipsy, it'll wear off soon" He moves closer and starts to kiss my neck. My nostrils fill with the smell of guiness.

"Jamie Dornan. No. You need to go sleep. make sure you lie on your side so if you are sick it'll go on the floor and not on me, you or the bed." I push his face away gently and he sits up a little and tilts his head to the side. He looks beautiful. Gorgeous. He's trying to get his own way. Not happening tonight my Irish god.

"I am fine" he moves his finger in and out of an imaginary line and taps my nose. I lie back and watch him.

"You baffle me. You really do. I dont understand why you just wont go to sleep." I bring my finger up to my lip and start to bite my nail.

"Thats a bad habit" He mutters

"You're a pain in the ass but I dont complain" I move my hand away and smirk. He shakes his head and leans down and plants a soft kiss on my lips. I kiss back and immediately push him away before he tries anything else.

"Im your pain in the ass just like you are mine." I can make that out pretty perfectly and I pull him down so he is lay besides me again.

"Atleast stay lay down!" I chuckle and he nudges his head against his pillow.

"Hmmm" Its muffled and I look to the side of me. His side profile is just as beautiful as the front profile. I love his little vein at the top of his head. At the side. I lean down and kiss it softly. His hand slides up to my waist and relaxes on my hip. He starts to tap and makes up his own rhythm. I move my hand to his cheek and let my thumb brush across his skin.

"Lets try for a baby? A mini Dakota and Jamie" he chuckles and I frown.

"What?" I ask. I poke his cheek and his eyes stay closed

"A baby. Our baby. We should make a baby" He whispers and his eyes shoot open. His lips curl into a smile.

"I dont think we are ready for a baby, not yet" I lie down and I lean my cheek on my hand. I look at him. Maybe its me who isnt ready for a baby. Lets face it, he already has two. I look at him and He looks back. We are both trying to read eachother. Trying to grasp what the other is thinking.

"When is anyone ever ready for a baby? You'll be a wonderful Mummy" He brushes his hand across my stomach. Im still in my dress. I sit up and stand. I drop my dress to the floor and grab a tshirt of his from the set of draws. Its his Manchester United shirt. Dornan is written across the back with the number 31. Pretty old shirt. I climb back into bed.

"I just think we need to take things slow, we agreed on that." I lean down and kiss his head. He seems to go quiet and he moves so my head falls to his chest.

"Lie behind me, My girlfriend says I need to lie on my side." He moves and hes on his side, i shake my head at his cockiness and wrap my arms around his waist. I kiss his shoulder and feel my eyes get heavy.

"I love you" I whisper

"I love you more"

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