Chapter Eighteen

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2 days later.
Jamies POV
Im in Budapest and filming. Up to now Ive not come up close and personal with any paparazzi and Ive not had to do any interviews. I was over exaggerating. Im happy. I feel like everything is going to go up from here. I still get to see my girls and Im in a happy relationship with Dakota.

"J! Ive seen all those articles. Finally ay?" Jamie sits down opposite me on the rocks that are on set.

"Oh dont you start aswell Foxx, it wasnt intentional neither" I laugh and continue to eat my cereal

"I know, quite a cute set up you did for her. Good to see you happy baldy" He gets up and comes over. Next thing I know im in a headlock and hes giving me a nucky! I manage To keep hold of my bowl and keep all the food in it.

"Ow! Jesus!" I laugh and he lets go.

"So much easier when you're bald" He flicks my ear again and walks off in the direction of his trailer. Good morning to you too Foxx.

"Hey, you alright son?" I look up and see my Dad walking towards me. What a massive surprise!

"Hey old man" I stand up and welcome him with a hug. He hugs back and pats my back before pulling away and sitting on the rock Jamie was just on.

"Its nice out here isnt it? Very quiet and out of the way" My dad looks around and takes in his surroundings.

"Yeah, probably best if you want the right scenes and no noise" I finish my food and rest the bowl on my lap.

"So, how are you and Dakota?" My Dad asks. I take a sip of my tea and smile. I hold the cup and look at him.

"We're good, shes in makeup now so I wont hear from her until shes finished for the day. We're really good Dad" I smile and think back to the long weekend. It was perfect. We had some downs but we worked it out and nothing has ever been better. This feeling is one I know wont ever leave. Everytime i hear her voice i get butterflies. Everytime we kiss I feel like fireworks are setting off. Just looking at her makes me proud to be with her.

"Well, I'm glad everythings all you know out there and sorted. Its easier than sneaking around and being a big secret. Hows Amelia taken to it?" My Dad frowns and his attention is all on me. Why do I feel awkward talking about this?

"I haven't spoken to Amelia. In all fairness it really isn't anything to do with her. I do understand she will want to know who the kids are with when they are with me but she knows Dakota is a trusted person. She can't really say anything bad because shes been there herself when Dakota has spent time with us all." I sigh and scratch the back of my neck. "Its something I will have to have out with her. How were the girls with you?" I want to change the subject. My dads face relaxes and he smiles massively. Thank fuck.

"They were angels as usual. Elva is starting to get a right little personality. Shes quite funny when she wants to be. Dulcie is finding more and more sing along films. Three cds we had to buy the other day" he chuckles and I smile. "They miss you, Dulcie kept asking for you and Elva knows you arent there, she was looking for you every morning" He finishes and I feel my heart sink.

"I know, I will see them soon. Ill be spending alot of time with them when Amelia tours. I have no upcoming things neither so I have that time to be a proper dad to them both." I shake my head and look down.

"You are working Jamie, everybody understands that. Its difficult because you and Amelia are no longer together but the girls will understand. Dulcie has some sort of idea. Shes smart for a 3 year old. " he leans over and smacks my knee. "Cheer up. Your face looks like a slapped arse!" He grins and stands.

"After work, lets go for a pint? Have a proper catch up?" I ask. He nods and straightens out his tshirt.

"Sounds like a plan son. You can buy. You owe me that" he winks and looks around.

"No problem. Ill text you when im done. Come to the trailer and we will set off from here. Jamie will probably join us. I know he wants to have a drink with me. I need to prove im not a bore" I laugh and my Dad joins in.

"Well, the more the merrier! Im going to explore. Take some pictures so I can show Samina and your sisters. Its quite a place" My Dad pats my shoulder and walks off. Such a tourist. I have so much respect and love for my old man. If it wasnt for him I dont think id be the man I am today. Hes taught me so much and I will never ever be able to thank him enough. Hes one in a million. I want to be like he is with me, Liesa and Jessica to my girls.

"Jamie Dornan? Set please!"
Here we go.

Dakotas POV
"Last day of work, how do you feel?" Olivia asks. My eyes are closed as the makeup is being applied.

"Odd. Its always an odd feeling when you're saying bye to a character but its refreshing. Some time off wont hurt!" I giggle and I hear her answer her phone.

"Who is it?" I ask

"Your brother." She leaves the room and starts to talk. Im assuming its Jessie. I wonder what he wants and why he is ringing Olivia and not me.

I relax back and start to think of the weekend I have just had. What a beautiful experience ive had. Being in a gorgeous country with my gorgeous boyfriend on a little cute date. I dont think I have ever felt as happy as I do with Jamie. He makes me feel like Im the only girl in the world and Im constantly on cloud nine. Hes everything a woman could want and need. Hes a good dad. Hes a good boyfriend. Hes always making sure everyone is happy. I love him. Hes my rock.

"Okay sorted" Olivia comes back in. I can hear her moving around and it goes quiet.

"He was asking about golf courses. Strange. Think he is going out with your dad" Olivia tells me. I frown and chuckle.

"sorry" Everyone laughs and My makeup is finally done.

"Boys day out I guess?" I look at Olivia and she shrugs. Even shes confused. Maybe hes had one to many drinks and just rang anyone.

"How was your weekend then? We haven't actually had that conversation" Olivia grins and I know she knows about our shenanigans.

"Oh you know, romantic, dramatic, loving and so on" I giggle and stand. I stretch and yawn.

"Someones tired. Its those extra workouts." She pokes my stomach and I shake my head. Dirty dirty. I grab my phone and text Jamie.

"Olivia just said something and it reminded me of you so much. Its something you would say. Always thinking your funny. Im definitely the funnier one. I hope you have a good day baby and I hope the girls are okay too. I love you x"
I click send and know he wont reply. I smile at the screen and lock my phone. Only a few more days before we are reunited. Having time off at the same time is a blessing. Im so thankful. Everything is finally fitting into place. Its like a perfect puzzle.

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