Chapter Thirty Seven

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Dakotas POV
I wake to JJ crying. I look to my side and Jamie isnt there. He should have been home hours ago. I shake my head to push the worry out and find myself walking to JJs room. I love what Jamie did to the place. Its all blue and just cute. Its a shame we will be moving but for the time being its perfect.

"Hey beautiful boy. Whats up?" I lean over his cot and pick him up. He immediately settles and just looks up at me.

"Lonely huh?" I mutter. I start to sway with him in my arms and he just suckles on his pacifier. He isnt nodding back off anytime soon.

"Just you and me bud. Daddy has done a disappearing act." I head downstairs with JJ and rest him in one hand as I use my other to do up his bottle. The microwave bings and I grab the bottle and head into the lounge. Jamie not coming home has me worried, it isnt like him.

I lie JJ down just so he is proped up. I lift the bottle to his lips and he immediately starts suckling on the teet. I lift up and he starts to take the food. I pull my phone from my dressing gown and text Jamie.

"Hey. Im worried. Where are you? Did you and the girls get to the airport safely?"

I click send and watch as nothing changes. It stays stuck on delivered. The girls has a afternoon flight. Its now night. Its dark. Late and raining. What could he possibly be doing?

Jim. I'll ring Jim to see if he has heard anything. I scroll down my recents and click Jims name. It comes up on my screen and I put the phone to my ear.

"Hello Dakota, everything okay?" Jim answers. I smile watch JJ as he eats.

"Hey Jim, yeah its all good.. hows things with you?" I ask, i cant just get straight to the point. Its a little rude.

"Tiring Doll. Very tiring. Whats up? Its nearly midnight over there isnt it?" I hear the slight worry in his voice. I sigh quietly.

"Jamie hasnt come home from taking the girls to the airport. Amelia is taking them on holiday with her Mother. That was this afternoon. Jamie has been gone a good few hours. Infact all day, he hasnt text me or phoned me. I just wondered if he had rang you.." I trail off and I hear Jim slam something down in the background of the phonecall.

"How did he seem when he took the girl?" Jim asks. I shrug and JJs eyes are on me. He's stopped taking the food. I smile and he goes back to taking his food. Strange child.

"He was off. Well he was upset, he didnt want them to leave. He seemed alright though, he said he would be back in an hour or so. That was several hours ago. Im just worried" I hold back my tears and Jim sighs down the phone.

"Hold on Samina." I hear him whisper.

"Dakota, Ill try and get through to him okay? I can't think of what he could be doing. A long drive would sound just about right but with the hours he has been gone, thats more like a road trip. Don't worry hunny. He will be okay. You just get some rest and give JJ a kiss from his Grandad." Jims words and voice calms me a little. I know Jim will try his best to get in touch with Jamie. Jamie might answer to his Dad.

"I will Jim. Thankyou, please let me know if he texts or rings you. He's a pain!" I chuckle and Jim does the same.

"He's more than that! I will do Doll. See you soon." The line goes dead and I lock my phone and place it on the coffee table.

"You have all of my attention now bud." I smile and pull JJ back into my lap. He slowly takes his food and wraps his little hand around my finger.

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