Chapter Nine

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Dakotas POV
Day off. Thank god. I open my eyes and stretch out across the bed. I hate it being empty. It reminds me of Jamie. God do I miss him. I roll onto my stomach and stuff my hands under the pillow and look out the window. I can see the waves and the clear blue sky.

"Why is this situation so difficult" I mutter to myself. I grab my phone and return to lying on my back. I open up my message from Olivia. Its a link to a news source. I frown and sit up crossing my legs. The source opens and immediately my heart sinks.

"Jamie Dornan and Wife seen in Croatia park"
I look through the photos. Hes kissing her cheek. They are hugging. What the fuck? I had no idea the press didnt know about the divorce. Yet he holds my hand on the red carpet. The small brief I had with Robin comes back to me. She obviously knew about him not telling anyone about his divorce. It makes sense it is his private life but if he moves onto a different lady it makes him look a cheat. I lie back and click off the tab. Am I just some fun? I shake my head.

"Hello?" Im met with Jamies face and he looks tired. I don't give a fuck.

"I woke up to some news today." My voice is stern.

"Whats up? What was it?" He replies. His voice is deeper. Maybe I woke him. Shit.

"You in the park... kissing and hugging. Looked lovely." His eyes widen and he shakes his head.

"It is not what it looks like Dakota!"

"Oh I don't even want to know. You can't play with people's feelings Jamie! Its wrong! For the  pair of us. Im pretty sure you wouldnt like it if i was kissing Matts cheek and hugging him." I squint my eyes and move the phone to the bedside table so its leant against the lamp. He has a full view of me.

"Can we talk about this tomorrow? Im shattered babe. Look whatever it looks like it isnt. Im allowed to congratulate her and thats what I was doing. Im always going to speak to her. Shes the mother of my children. They come first and you know this. Jesus the other day you were telling me to ring her." Jamies voice makes me shiver. I can tell I have pissed him off. Ditto Dornan Ditto.

"You're an ass. The press dont know about the divorce but you try to hold my hand at the oscars. Jamie its good I pulled away otherwise you would have been seen as a cheat." I tell him. He lets out a sigh and his arm moves and covers his eyes.

"Dakota. Please can we talk about this another time. Im fucking exhausted. You woke me up. Infact Im not even asking. Ill speak to you tomorrow at a more reasonable time. So have a good day." He ends the call and my mouth falls open. How dare he. Am i overreacting? I hate this. I need to talk to him face to face but the time zones and work and everything else is stopping us.

"What did he say?"
"Nothing, I woke him up. Im being a tool."
" You had a right to ask. I mean if you are seeing eachother"
"Olivia I dont even know what we are."
With that I put my phone back on the side and lie back down. I let my eyes shut and drift back to sleep.

Jamies POV
I twirl my phone in my hands. Dakota was way out of order. I dont understand why she is so insecure. Its so hard to keep up with. I look to my left and look at the empty space. I wish i had the energy to text her but I dont. I can feel an argument brewing. I close my eyes again.

"Daddy?" My eyes shoot open and I look to my right.

"Whats the matter?" I lean over and pick her up and lie Dulcie in the empty space

"I had a bad dream" she rubs her eyes and pulls her little monkey teddy closer to her chest.

"You're safe okay? Im here." I stroke across her head repeatedly and I watch as her eyelids start to close. Her eyes finally shut tight and her hold on the teddy loosens. I bring the duvet up a little more and lie back down properly. Dulcie wanted to sleep the night and I couldnt say no. In the end Amelia and Elva came back too. Elva is in the spare room with Millie. Dulcie was there too. I look at her again.

"Jamie, get some sleep. She will be fine." I look back to the door and see Amelia stood there. Her hands on the door frame and shes looking at me.

"Did she wake you?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"She must have been really quiet leaving the room. I woke up to Elva winging a little. Her dummy fell out" She smiles and walks over.

"She will be out all night now. Get as much sleep as you can. No doubt you'll be woken early" I chuckle and I know its true. I dont notice her sit on the bed. My lips are met with a soft kiss. Woah.

"Amelia.. what was that?" I whisper. I frown up at her. Her hand slides onto my cheek.

"I miss you. I miss us. Am I not allowed to feel that?" She looks at me and her eyes look sad. She looks sad. Broken.

"We werent working Millie. We argued constantly. You know deep down we are better off as friends." I gently push her hand away and she lets it flop down onto her lap.

"I still love you. I never stopped" she whispers. She stands and smiles weakly.

"I wish I could say the same. I do. It isnt there anymore.. you know that deep down." She nods and leaves the room. I hear the other door close and I am now wide awake. Do I want her back? When we were good we were good but the bad was overruling and taking over. It was argument after argument. I feel too much for Dakota. I sigh and close my eyes. I need sleep. A long and good sleep.
"Daddy?" I wake up to Dulcies face really close to mine. Here we go.

"Whats wrong princess? Let daddy sleep some more." I mutter. She lifts up my eyelid with her thumb. I move my hand up and knock her hand down gently.

"Dulcie, go get mummy up" I whisper to her. It goes silent and I take that opportunity to get comfortable again. Next thing I know, theres bubbles being blown onto my face.

"Right, Im Up Im up" I sit up and yawn. Dulcies sat at the end of the bed. Crossed legged and grinning. Shes proud of herself.

"Cant daddy put a film on and you watch whilst I sleep?" She frowns. Why do I even bother.

"Toast?" She questions, I nod and stand up. I stretch before walking out into the little kitchen area. I yawn again and Im met with Millie feeding Elva.

"I told you" she chuckles and Elva eats her food off the spoon. I rub my eyes and grab the bread and pop it into the toaster.

"Im exhausted. I definitely need a nap later on." Dulcie comes running in with my phone in one hand and my glasses in the other.

"Dulce, they are Daddies!" Millie tells her. She sits just near the highchair and pulls the glasses onto her head.

"Bit big for you yet." I laugh and the toast pops up.

"Your daddies head is far too big. Definitely wont fit." I turn and catch Amelia grinning. I smile and shake my head before returning to buttering the toast.

"Dulce, come round here and get your toast" In about two seconds Shes at my feet. She holds up my phone and the glasses fall off her head as she looks up. I take my phone and then pass her the plate and she woggles off to the couch.

I look at the homescreen. Nothing from Dakota. I put it on the side and go to Millie and Elva. I look at all three of them and smile.

"We love you" Millie whispers. I give her a half smile and sit at the kitchen island.

My head is truly and utterly fucked.

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