Chapter Thirty

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Babies First Scan

Jamies POV
The sun is shining. we have eaten out. We have a starbucks coffee and we are seeing our baby for the first time today. I can't explain how excited I am.

"You look beautiful today" I say as I drive. Dakota rests her hand on my thigh and squeezes gently.

"Im so nervous. What do you find out on first scans?" Dakota asks. We come to lights and I look at her

"Check to see if he or she are healthy, check the heartbeat and get a date for when they will be born" I smile and she grins

"Im so excited, so when do we find out the sex?" She frowns and I can't help but chuckle. I shake my head and look back at the road

"Thats the twelve week scan baby. We will see meet our child soon enough" the lights change and I step down on the accelerater

"Im impatient! I dont mind what we have but secretly I want a boy" I hear her giggle and I can see from the corner of my eye that she is stroking her tummy

"I have two girls, a wee boy would be perfect" I grin and pull into the carpark of the doctors. Thankfully it isnt that busy.

We head inside and I sign us in. Dakota gets us two seats that are out of the way. Perfect. I sit besides her and take her hand into mine.

"Its weird, having this life with you. Never did I think it would have ended up like this" Dakota looks up at me and smiles

"And whys that?" I frown and kiss her hand

"You looked so happy with Amelia, when we first met you were expecting to welcome a child in days, then the second time we met on set.. you had a child. Its weird thats all" She chuckles and its a nervous chuckle. Evidently, thats a hard subject for her to talk about.

"Hey, things change. You, my girls and our baby our my future now okay?" I lean down and give her a soft kiss on her lips. I feel her lips spread into a smile. I pull back and shake my head

"Impossible" I murmur.

"Miss Johnson?" Dakotas name is called out and we both stand.

"After you baby" I whisper, she walks infront of me and heads through the doors. We walk down the corridor and Dakota knocks on the Nurses door.

"Come in!" The nurse shouts. Dakota pulls the handle down and heads in, I follow and the door shuts behind me on its own. I walk round and sit on the chair besides the bed. The room is dim and dark. Just how a room like this should be.

"You know what you are doing" The nurse chuckles. I nod and smile.

"Okay, Im Nurse Connors. You can call my Lydia." She smiles and she waits for Dakota to get up on the bed.

"Im nervous." Dakota looks at me and she grabs my hand.

"Nothing to be nervous about okay?" I smile and bring her hand up to my lips.

"Okay, im just going to pop your top up a little" Lydia does exactly that and rubs on the gel. She grabs the probe from the side and slowly moves it across Dakotas tummy

"Thats cold" She keeps her eyes on me and I smile. I know its her first time and its all so new to her

"Your baby is quite a good hider" Lydia chuckles. My heart skips a beat. Why did that make me nervous? As I calm down, the sound of our babies heartbeat fills the room

"Is that my baby?" Dakota asks. I nod and I point to the screen. She tilts her head up and looks at the screen.

"That is your baby. Baby is growing well and is healthy. They have a very healthy heartbeat too!" Lydia says, she moves the prope more and the image becomes more clearer.

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