Chapter Ten

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Dakotas POV
Another filming day complete. I haven't heard from Jamie since the little argument. He said he will ring me so Im going to let him do that. I frown and Olivia brings me back to earth.

"Coffee?" She hands me the starbucks cup and I smile

"Dak, you've been down for ages. Why wont you tell me whats going on?" Olivia asks. I sit on the bench and she joins me.

"Truth is, I dont even know myself. I can't tell you because I don't know. I feel like I was just there when he needed someone. There when he needed to rant. Now hes gone and he isnt even thinking about me in the slightest. I know his children come first. Any parent would do that but he is slowly pushing me out of the picture and bringing Amelia back in. He's playing with both of our heads. I don't know if he wants me or her." I frown and hide my face in my hands. It is him pushing me away isnt it? Or is it me? Am I scared to fall in love?

"Babe. You have to speak to him. I hate seeing you like this. Its so horrible because I know how bubbly and happy you usually are. Don't ever let a boy make you feel insecure or unhappy. Not anyone. Not even Jamie Dornan." Olivia smiles and sips her drink. I drop my hands down and pick my coffee up from the side of me.

"I knew it would be a challenge. I knew we would face some obstacles but.. it isnt we. Its me." I sip my coffee and sit back. Taking in the view. Its beautiful. The sky is clear and everybody is talking and going about their day. Liv is right, I shouldnt let anyone make me upset or make me feel unappreciated.

"Do you love him?" Olivia asks. I look at her and blink.


"Its getting there... We spent so much time together on and off set when were filming. I don't know. A bond was made. An unbreakable bond. Though... im not so sure anymore" I tap my fingers on the cup and Olivia gives me a sympathetic smile.

Jamies POV
The girls have had a fun day. We went to the farm and Dulcie rode a donkey for the first time. Elva fed the ducks and it allowed Amelia and I to speak and have a conversation about the recent events. Its hard. There will always be love between me and Amelia but it isnt strong anymore. It isnt strong enough for a marriage.

"They've gone down for a nap. I hope they sleep tonight." Amelia joins me on the sofa.

"Whats that?" She asks. I show her the picture of Dulcie and my dad when she was first born. She smiles and takes my phone to get a closer look.

"My dad looks so happy. Dulcie looks so small. It feels like it was only yesterday that she was that small" I mutter. Amelia nods and passes my phone back. She starts to go through her own pictures and she stops. I look where her nail is. Its of all of us. In paris.

"The good old days. When were happy and a proper family" I look at Amelia.

"Amelia, behind closed doors we werent. We've been through this."

"You don't know what you want Jamie, you're confused and it isnt fair on Dakota or me." She locks her phone and I am forced to look up at her.

"Im not confused. Its just difficult at the moment. Nobody knows about our divorce and Dakota is in Germany. Its hardly appropriate to talk about a relationship over text message." Amelia frowns.

"So you aren't officially together?" She asks. I shake my head. We aren't. We agreed to take it slow. I wouldn't want her to see anyone else. Then it clicks. Her anger. Her jealousy. I told her it'd hurt me to see her with another man yet she is getting press pictures of me with my ex wife. I know she understands the circumstances but even I would question it if I saw her kissing her exes cheek. Fuck. Its me who is constantly fucking up. Im throwing all the blame back onto her. Jesus. I really am a confusing bastard.

"Look, maybe its best you go back to your own hotel tonight. Or a room here? Ill pay for it. Keep the girls close. I need time to think." She nods and stands.

"Ill go and book a room here. I need to skype my manager anyway." She leaves the room and soon after I hear the room door close. The girls are still asleep and I sit back on the sofa. I pull my phone out and type my password in.

"Dakota. Ring me whenever you are free. We really do need to talk. I understand why you were mad and I know we need to talk about it. I hope filming is going well. I can't wait to see you again. Jx"
I hit send and keep the page open. Shes typing!

"Hey. Didnt think I would hear from you today. Yes we do need to talk but right now I need to think. I need space. You are really confusing me. I don't know what I am to you. I don't want to ruin a family and be seen as a homewrecker. I don't want to split you guys up.x"

"Dakota. Me and Amelia aren't together. We are friends. Yes we have two kids together but that doesn't mean I dont want to focus on our future too. I don't understand why you keep pushing me away when Im trying to get close to you. Not everyone stays around when you continuously push."

"Its easier to have a guard up. Im not the only one pushing people away Jamie. Ill ring you later okay? facetime or normal call?"

"Facetime. I miss your beautiful face."

"Speak later"

That woman isnt half frustrating. I understand she has a guard up. I know shes scared but I do want a future with her. Im scared. I didnt know I would fall in love with another woman. I didnt know my marriage was going to end so fast. Its all happening so fast. Nobody can control their feelings and emotions. Dakota. She makes me happy and makes me feel so young and carefree. I can be me around her and she makes me smile. That smile that goes right up to your eyes. If that isnt a woman to hold onto I dont know what is.

The baby monitor starts to go off and I make my way to the girls room. Elva is lay down making a fuss.

"Hey hey.. ssh you'll wake your sister up" I pick her up out of her cot and pull her to my chest. I start to rock gently with her in my arms. I start to sing 'All Of Me' by John Legend softly. I continue swaying and stroking up her back.

"You can probably sense somethings up.." I sigh and gently lie her back in her cot. She stirs a little but her eyes close again and she stills. I look over at Dulcie and shes out for another hour or so. These girls are my world. These are the girls I need to protect and continuously love. I know Dakota would love them like they were her own and Amelia will always love them.

Im forced out of my bubble to my phones ringtone. I quickly leave the room and head to the couch. I pick the phone up and slide across to answer.

"Jamie? We need to talk. The papers have managed to grab ahold of the news about you and Amelia. Maybe its time you release a short statement?" Evelyn says. I nod to myself.

"Yeah, I'll write one up on my phone and send it over to you. Im going to keep it short and snappy. It is my business afterall."

"I know, I dont want false information being spread around and I know you don't too. With these sort of headlines... things can turn nasty."

"Ill get right into it. Thankyou for letting me know." I end the call and sit back. Another thing to do on my list. It wont take that long to do. The rooms silent. It feels strange. I know the girls are only asleep but it feels odd.

My phone starts to vibrate again and I look down. Im met with a beautiful picture of Dakota I managed to take sneakily on set. I slide across and wait for us to connect.

"Okay. Lets talk."

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