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      Roy and Genevieve walked back to the squad. After she put away the box she was carrying she grabbed Roy's and put that away too.
      Roy took a moment to look up and down the street then walked to the drivers side only to find the dog, Stanley as it was now named, sitting in his seat. Stanley's tonge lolled and her tail wagged as she looked up at Roy.
      "Uhh..." Genevieve looked up. "Oh! Stanley not today baby dog. I'm at a different station remember" Stanley let out a pitifull whine but jumped out of the squad window. "Go lie down. I give you and Laffayette permission to put your feet on the couch."
      Stanley took off like a bullett to Genevieve's mansion and dove through the dog door. They both got into the squad Genevieve again closer than John would sit and it was driving Roy a good kind of crazy.
      He wished he could tell her everything about their realtionship in the past. Not yet Roy thought. He remembered how sensitive Genevieve was and if she didn't remember the man she was going to marry, there must be a reason. Roy had to find out what it was.
      Something suddenly registered in his mind. "Squad 51 clear" Genevieve said into the radio. "Oh we need swing by the hospital" Roy said quickly. Genevieve called it in as Roy started the squad and pulled away from the curb.
      "Hey Genevieve-" "You can call me Ginger if you want. It's kind of an inside joke that turned into my nickname" Genevieve said with a smile. Roy let out a nervous laugh. He knew the joke but something was trubling him; something Ginger had said.
      "Okay. Um Laffayette...i-is he your husband...or boyfriend?" Genevieve stared at Roy; eyes wide with confusion. Roy glanced uncomfortably from Genevieve to the road. Then Genevieve gasped. "Lafayette is my dog; well my other dog. Sorry I forgot we havn't known each other but 30 minutes"
      Roy was relieved but he wanted to scream that they had know each other longer. Soon they were going through the doors at Rampart General Hospital.
      Ginger Looked around taking everything in and trying to make a mentle map. Iv'e only seen the entrance and Rampart already seems to live up to it's reputaion at being the best!
      Genevieve knew that Rampart had the best reputaion but she had never been here. She also knew about one of the reasons it was the best. The head docter Kelly Brackett. She hoped she'd get a chance to meet him but suspected he must be a very busy man.
      Genevieve followed Roy down the hall to the base station. "Hey Dix" he said to the head nurse. She looked up "Hello Roy. Joh- Oh well you're not John" Genevieve gave a small laugh. "No but I'm filling in for him." "This is Genevieve Foster" Roy introduced as two other doctors joined the kind blonde nurse.
      "Genevieve this is Dixie McCall, Dr. Joe Early, and Dr. Mike Morton." "Hi" Genevieve said shaking hands. She noted with some disapointment that Dr. Brackett wasn't amung them. 
      "Well Genevieve maybe you can teach our men to act more like gentlemen around here" Dixie said hinting the two docters behind her. Both ladies laughed.
      "What do you mean" Dr. Morton said.
      "Yeah Dix" Dr. Early joined in "What are yout trying to say... that we're not kind enough for you" "You said it not me." Dixie replied with a shrug of her shoulders, "I just think there's room for improvement and that it wouldn't hurt to learn how to treat a lady"
      "Dixie we've been treating people all day...actually think we've even had to treat you a few times..." "Mike Morton don't even go there!" Dixie said looking back at him. Mike and Joe looked rather amused.
      Suddenly the door behind them opened. "What's all the comotion? Don't tell me you're bothering Dixie again" another Doctor appeared with black wavy hair and light blue eyes. He was younger than Dr. Early but older than Dr. Morton.
      "See! Now here's a real gentleman. Kelly Brackett" Dixie said gesturing to the handsome doctor. Genevieve's eyes lit up "Oh no I was just wondering why I wasn't invited." Dr. Brackett said straigtening his tie; a smile at the corner mouth. Dixie shook her head and let out a sigh.  
      "We have a new paramedic...a very pretty one" Joe said. Genevieve blushed and lowered her head. "Oh Yeah?" Dr. Brackett questioned, finally looking over at Ginger.
       She was absolutly thrilled to meet Dr. Kelly Brackett but he didn't seem to share her enthusiasm. In fact he turned pale and his shoulders droped. "This is Genevieve Foster" Roy announced again.
      Kelly took a step back and tuned another shade lighter. His mouth was open like he was going to say something but he never did. His eyes stayed on Genevieve "Kell you look like you've seen a ghost" Dixie joked but then turned serious "Kelly?"
       "Dr. Brackett. Is something wrong" Genevieve said voice thick with concern. He shivered a little at her voice before suddenly his knees gave out and he fell backwards. Dixie gasped as Dr. Morton caught him and layed him safely on the ground.
       Joe was immeaditly on his knees ready to help his best friend. "Kell? Kelly can you hear me?" Dr. Brackett didn't respond. "I think he just fainted" Dr. Morton said.
      Before Roy or Genevieve could help, the handi talkie went off for what seemed like forever. "You guys go on. We'll keep you posted." Joe said looking back up at two worried paramedics. "Alright thanks Doc" Roy answered even though he wanted to stay with the doctor.
      He began a fast pace towards the squad. It took him a moment to relize Genevieve wasn't following him. "Ginger come on" he called. Roy swore he heard Ginger let out a small whimper but she obeyed and they walked out the doors. "It's ganna be a big fire" Roy muttered.

      "Ok lets get him to treatment ro-" Joe stopped short as Dr. Brackett graoned and moved his head. "Kelly can you hear me" Dr. Brackett's eyes fluttered open and he looked around. It took a moment for everything around him to stop spinning.
      "Help me up Joe" Kelly said trying to get up himself but failing. "Kelly you better stay where you are" Dixie said suddenly beside him. "I agree with Dixie" Dr Morton said furrowing his brows. "No I'm fine Mike really" Kelly said using the doctor's shoulder to get up.
      "What happened. It was almost like you had some sort of panick attack?" Joe said though Kelly didn't hear him. He was busy looking around for Genevieve. "Roy and Genevieve left. They had a call" Dixie said answering his unspoken question. He just nodded.
      "sure your alright Kell?" She asked shaking her head. "Yeah" said Dr. Brackett though he still looked shaken. "Doctor!" one of the nurses called. Samantha Clark. "Not that I have a choice" he finished before walking off to treatment room 5.  
      "What was all that about" Mike asked. Dixie just shrugged and Dr. Early shook his head.

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