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      Genevieve closed the squad door behind her. As Roy predicted it had been a very big fire. The two paramedics were constantly in and out of the building for three and a half hours.
      Also after their exhausting experience, they were tied up for another hour with a frantic wife because her husbands hand was caught in a cookie jar. They tried everything to get his hand out without breaking the jar, but Genevieve couldn't even see how he managed to even get his hand in it. After all that, the wife asked why they didn't just break it.
     Roy entered the rec room with Genevieve close behind only to find that the rest of the station was already in the middle of lunch.
      "Well if it isn't our two doctors out to save the world. Have fun with your cookie jar did ya?" Chet joked then slid two sub sandwiches their way."Uh we uh didn't know what you like Genevieve so we just made a plain ham and cheese. You can change it if you want."
      "No, no, ham sounds delicious but I thought I was going to be the cook today." She said with a mischievous smile as Roy pulled out her chair. They all glanced at each othter suprised.
      "Oh Genevieve we were just kidding about the cooking thing...we wouldn't actually..." Marco trailed off catching the amused look from Genevieve. "You know you would, but that's ok cause I think it's funny...and clever. Plus I've got dinner all planned out." Genevieve said as Roy pushed her in earning another suspicious look from Cap.
       The guys laughed a little but Genevieve noticed it was uneasy and forced. They continued eating silently while Genevieve thought desperatly of a way to break the ice.
    Roy noticed the awkwardness and decided to make things a little easier for everyone. "You know... I think I remember hearing about you a while back when you first became a firefighter Genevieve. I mean I only glanced it in the newspaper but it was pretty big wasn't it?"
    Genevieve let her shoulders drop a little in relief as she answered. "Yeah! Front page news. The Actress Firefighter or something like that." She bit off a piece of sandwich and happily thought for a moment. "Everyone thought it was either strange or exciting."
    "Hey why did you decide to become a firefighter? A girl like you- well you ought to be- a modle!" Chet Kelly said in between bites of a very big looking sub. "Don't choke" Roy commented at Chet's eagerness to get his sentence out.
      Everyone chuckled, for real this time, except for Chet who glared at Roy. Genevieve shook her head at the pair; happy that the uneasiness had settled.
    For the rest of lunch the guys excitedly asked Genevieve a million questions about her being a firefighter and a paramedic. Even the Captain asked a few things! Genevieve gladly answered all their questions and ate her sub in smile bites, even though she wasn't exactly hungry.
    "Genevieve your parents must be pretty proud huh? Where are you all from anyway? Certainly not LA." Marco said while Roy froze. His wide eyes traveled to the female paramedic.
    Parents were usually and uncomfortable topic for Genevieve and Roy imagined even more so now. He waited intently for her answer. The rest of the crew seemed to notice her sudden silence and glanced at each other.
    Genevieve tried her best to smile while picking at the rest of her sub. "Oh it's- it's not really important Marco" she stammered.
    The guys shrugged it off and continued to talking to each other but Ginger pursed her lips and looked at the floor clearly upset that her past had been dug back up or part of it.
    Roy couldn't help but feel heartbroken for the beautiful paramedic. It really must be hard for her, he thought and stared sympathetically untill suddenly she looked up and their eyes locked. 
      Ginger was alarmed by Roy's sypathtic look and he quickly erased the emotion from his eyes, but something kept tugging at her heart. Something that Genevieve hadn't experienced much in her life.
    It was... nice but it scared her and and made her frustrated. There were things in her past that she wished she could remember and she wanted to remember so badly. But the more she thought of it the more it slipped away.
      Ginger was so sure that she had felt this before with someone. But who? What was it? Happiness... love? Where was I even? She also knew she promised this person she would wait for them for some reason. How can I wait for someone when I don't even know if it was real... it was probably all a dream. Then again...
      Would she be unfaithful if she felt like this with someone else? Someone she hardly knew? Genevieve stop! Stop kidding yourself! You don't love Roy and he certainly doesn't feel anything for you. She almost laughed at the thought.
    Genevieve quickly serpressed a shiver and tried to forget this feeling but it was still there. Tugging. Pulling. Even after both Roy and herself had looked away, it remained.

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