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      Johnny and Genevieve walked through the doors of Rampart General side by side. Ginger was still a little annoyed at being doubted but she wasn't one to stay mad for long.
       She took a deep breath and smiled when she stepped into the hospital. A sense of pride filled her chest as she looked around. Everything at Rampart was running smoothly and cleanly, and she knew everyone was getting the best care possible. Genevieve couldn't help but long to be a part of it all.
     "Uh, we restock our supplies over here. The head nurse is really nice, you're gonna love her!" Gage said smiling and gesturing down the hall to the base station. Genevieve fought back the urge to give him a sarcastic reply and just nodded. He'll figure it out eventually I guess.
      They walked up to the counter and Ginger smiled at the familiar friendly face. Dixie looked up and smiled brightly. "Well hello Genevieve! What are you doing back?"
      The female paramedic briefly glanced over at John's slightly stunned expression before replying. "Roy is sick so I'm filling in for station 51 again. It's nice to see you again, even if it wasn't that long ago"
      The ladies laughed while John glanced between the two. "You- you- you mean she- you" he shifted his weight to his other leg, "well why didn't you tell me you knew each other?" He finally said looking wide eyed at Genevieve. She shrugged. "You never asked me. You assumed I didn't know her"
      Nurse McCall watched the exchange in amusement. She could tell things were not going smoothly for John Gage once again.
      He turned back to Dixie in frustration. "We just need some supplies" he grumbled making Genevieve cringe a little. She was always taught to speak loud and clear when she was younger... or else.
      While John named the things they needed to restock, Ginger looked around. It's not very lady like to be so rude... I should apologize. She frowned at her own child-like behavior until she saw something and straightened herself.
      Genevieve's glistening dark blue eyes locked with lighter ones. They were... familiar in a strange way. Of course, it was doctor Brackett and they had met about a week ago but... there was fear in his eyes. The fear mixed with those eyes was just... so familiar.
      She smiled slightly as the rest of the world drowned out. He slowly smiled back though he was still afraid of something. Is it me? Is he afraid of me?
      Ginger glanced back at John and Dixie who were still busy either talking or filling supplies, she wasn't sure which. She decided, however, that she should see how the doctor was doing. Genevieve hadn't seen him since his fainting spell.
      "Hello Dr. Brackett. It's, um, nice to see you again" she started out awkwardly once she had walked the short distance down the hall. "And you" he said simply, dipping his head. Genevieve suddenly felt daunted.
      Dr. Kelly Brackett wasn't all that big but he was intimidating and almost seemed powerful in a way. But for Genevieve, there was something comforting about the doctor.
      Kelly continued to watch her, getting lost in his own mind for a moment before asking, "Genevieve... is that really your name?" She smiled.  "Yes it is. It's strange and uncommon, but beautiful in my opinion"
      "Yes. Very beautiful" he breathed almost trembling. "And your last name... what did you say that was?" Genevieve stared curiously a few moments. He sure was interested in her name, but at least he was talking to her and not fainting.
      "It's Foster. Genevieve Christine Foster" she replied proudly. But, Dr. Brackett looked disappointed. "Foster? You mean she didn't-" The doctor cut himself off and stared at her nervously wondering if she had caught that. She did. "What?" She asked, "What were you going to say?"
      Kelly began to panic and his eyes briefly glanced to the necklace around her neck. "It's not important" he said still looking at the necklace without really realizing that he was.
      Genevieve looked down and picked the locket up gently. "My parents gave it to me" she said quickly. She felt relived as he relaxed and smiled again. Genevieve didn't open the locket or flip it over so he could see all of it but he recognized it.
      It was special made just for her with the letters "K.B." carved into the back so she would always remember. However, his plan so that she would always remember him didn't seem to work. She was just a baby when he had taken her to the orphanage, but her memory still seemed off in a way...
      "Dr. Brackett" a nurse called leaning out of a treatment room door, "We need ya again. There are a few complications"
      Kelly didn't take his eyes off of the young paramedic as he nodded. He turned and disappeared into the treatment room leaving Genevieve slightly puzzled. The doctor was awfully interested in her life and always acted... strange around her.
      "Oh. My. Gosh!" The Irish nurse said walking out of the room in awe. She was grinning from ear to ear. "Genevieve!"
      Ginger gasped as her old friend ran up to her. "Sam! I can't believe it! This is so amazing!" She exclaimed picking up the blonde in a hug.
      Sam grimaced while managing to cough out, "Uh... Genevieve. Small. Fragile. Bones are breakin'" Ginger quickly put Sam down and released her. "Sorry!" She said, "Sometimes I forget my own strength"
      "Well you've certainly gotten stronger! And ya look great!" Samantha said stepping back to take in Ginger's whole appearance.
      "Oh, that's right! You haven't seen me since before the academy. But I can say one thing for sure, you are rocking the nurses' uniform!" Genevieve placed her hands on her hips and laughed as Sam spun in a circle to model herself, which caught a certain paramedic's attention.
      John Gage stared in disbelief. "They've met already too?" He asked furrow in his brows. Dixie looked past him and bit her pen. "I think they might have know each other before Genevieve came to Rampart. I don't recall them meeting" she replied before getting back to her papers.
     He frowned as he watched the two talking excitedly. "But, I mean, how could they be friends at all- well... actually, they're perfect for each other. Both of 'em are- are- are so... stuck up! Especially Samantha Clark" He huffed and leaned against the counter while Dixie looked back up.
      "Samantha Clark is one of my best nurses" she commented, raising an eyebrow. John folded his arms and narrowed his eyes. "And Genevieve is one of those- those... whad'ya call 'em... fancy people who thinks they know everything"
      Dixie had to hide her laughter again. "Johnny Gage, I do believe you're jealous" She said making him turn around wide eyed. "Jealous? Jealous? I'm not jealous! What is there even to be jealous of?" He said splaying a hand across his chest.
      Dixie smiled slyly. "I think you're jealous because they can get along with each other and you haven't been able to so far" she said. Johnny scoffed and tried to play it cool. "Well I can get along with them, no problem. No problem at all. We just.... we just got off on the wrong foot is all"
      Gage offered that lopsided smile that always made the head nurse's day. "If you say so Johnny" she answered with a laugh just before the tones went off.
      Genevieve and Sam were suddenly by his side listening in on the handy talkie. Gage looked up briefly but returned his full attention to the job at hand. 
      "Station 51: Car accident and electrocution victim at Park and Lance. Park and Lance. Time out: 9:52"
      "Let's go. See ya Dix" Johnny said rushing down the hall. Dixie waved. "Oh, uh, see ya later Sam! Don't forget to call me!" Genevieve called over her shoulder.
      Samantha watched her friends leave with a new kind of weight holding her heart down. She always thought that maybe Genevieve would have forgotten her dream of being a firefighter or found it to be too difficult. Now she knew that none of that was true. Her best friend was risking her life every day.
      "Ms. McCall..." Sam started as Dixie looked up again. "Do you suppose she's alright out there... as a firefighter I mean..."
      Dixie smiled slightly at, who she predicted to be, the future head nurse. She often worried about the firefighters herself even if she knew that they could handle themselves. "Oh I think she's going to just fine. Don't you worry about your friend"
      Sam took a deep breath. She didn't want to lose her friend again, so she decided to fully support her this time. Whatever happens I'm going to be there for 'er... I'm going to support 'er... she's doin' the right thing... she's got be to be out of 'er bloody mind...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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