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      Roy sniffed as he turned on the TV and settled onto his couch wrapped in blankets. his nose was red and stuffed up and his head was cloudy. One minute it was too hot , the next, it was too cold. Roy, however, refused to admit it was the Flu and told himself it was just a cold caused by too much "playing" in the water on a cold day.
      He gazed blankly at the bright screen for a moment and then realized that he looked like a fish with his mouth hanging open and that dumbstruck stare. He wasn't sure exactly why he turned the TV on in the first place because, one, he didnt want to watch it. Two, he couldnt tell what he was watching. And three, he wasn't paying attention to it at all. his mind was stuck on Genevieve.
      Roy was still trying to figure out why she didn't remember him. It was like a constant loop in his head. Now I know what Johnny feels like on one of his kicks! 
      But he had good reason for wondering. They had loved each other when they were younger! They were going to be together forever. . . well at least untill he blew it. Maybe she does know. . . maybe she's trying to hide from. . . me? To avoid me? Roy groaned at the thought of her hating him and half-heartedly threw a tissue completely missing the waste bin.
      She was smart and beautiful inside and out. Working together had made Roy fall in love with Genevieve all over again. he still couldn't believe he had almost told her too. He didn't really want to see her reaction after finding out that he was the man who had broken every promise he ever made her and possibly ruined her life.
  Roy was more than a little upset when they spent their last day together at the station but he had asked her to dinner so he didn't have to say goodbye just yet.
       Unfortunately he had to cancel because of this dumb fl... cold he had gotten. And now it was lasting longer than expected making him miserable in more ways than one. I don't think I'll ever see her again.

      Johnny came into the locker room whistling cheerfully. "Mornin'" he said to the crew with a smile as he opened his locker. Chet looked up from where he was getting dressed.
      "Hey, you feeling better Gage?"
      "I feel great Chet! Just great! Oh and not only that" Johnny let out a chuckle, "Man, this really pretty girl from across the hall of my apartment noticed I was sick and came to check on me. We uh, may have a date when I get off work" Johnny waggled an eyebrow.
      Kelly tilted his head. "May? As in, you might have a date?" He laughed. John fought for words for a moment. "... uh... well, I mean- yeah... yeah... you can't rush things Chet!" He said finally and changed shirts to avoid any further conversation about his love life.
      Chet nodded in thought for a moment then shook his head. "Aww, man did you miss out on some of the best days the station's ever had" He stated with a sigh. John scoffed. "Yeah I'm sure I missed out on a few of the phantom's tricks alright"
      "No!" Chet said suddenly excited as he turned to face the paramedic. "I mean good food and-... oh... well, I guess you wouldn't be interested in the girl that was here so I won't bore you with that story. Never mind. Forget I mentioned it."
      Chet turned back around to tie his shoes as John paused and stared with his brows furrowed. Now he had John's full attention. "What girl?" He asked watching the fireman curiously.
      "What about a girl?"
      "What girl?"
      "Oh, come on Chet! The girl you said was here!"
      "Oh, that girl... what about 'er?" Chet asked looking up from his shoes. John let out an exasperated sigh. "Oh so you are interested in what you missed while you were gone?" Chet questioned sarcastically.
      Mike and Marco watched the squabbling pair in amusement. "Look Chet are you gonna tell me or not?" Johnny asked buttoning his shirt in frustration. "Cause I mean, I don't care. I don't care! I can live without knowing"
      Kelly scoffed and gave a sly look to the two firemen that we're now behind him before turning back to Gage. "Sure you could Johnny. But anyways, man she was... beautiful! More than beautiful!" "She was drop dead gorgeous!" Marco offered while Chet nodded enthusiastically.
      "Oh yeah?" John asked slowly. He wasn't quite sure that this wasn't a prank. Chet nodded again.
     "Man, she had big eyes that were dark sapphire blue, black hair that was down to her waist and a figure that you wouldn't believe! And her paramedic and rescue skills! They were far out I'm telling you! She was really on top of things, even when I came to handling a hose. I mean the girl hasn't got a single flaw and- what?"
      Halfway through Chet's story John had smirked and and rolled his eyes. "Very funny Chet, but I think even you can do better than that" he said gesturing to his crew mate.
      Kelly leaned against the locker waiting for an explanation. John laughed "Oh come on! A female paramedic? Next you're going to be telling me she was- was... filling in for me!"
      Chet folded his arms. "Yeah, that's right. Why else would she be here? I actually wouldn't mind her filling in for you permanently come to think of it..." "Chet, there was no girl here" John said shaking his head as he closed his locker, "You're just saying that to try and make me go crazy over some girl that doesn't even exist. No thanks!"
      Chet threw his hands up innocently. "John, I swear by my life she was here!" He exclaimed looking to the other two firemen. Still amused that the phantom was trying so hard, Johnny gave a nod to Lopez and Stoker. "Whad'ya say Marco? Mike? You gonna tell me the truth or let him carry on this act?"
      "Oh she was here alright" Marco stated with his arms folded and his eyes smiling. "Although," Mike added, "she did seem like someone from from your imagination"
      Johnny felt a little doubtful now. Mike normally wouldn't say anything if it wasn't true.... or was he really in on the joke?
      Suddenly, Captain Stanley burst into the locker room making Gage jump. "Great news!" He said rubbing his hands together and ignoring the strange looks he was getting. "DeSoto called in sick for today!"
      John wrinkled his nose and shook his head in confusion. "Well Cap," he wondered stepping over the bench in front of his locker, "What's so great about Roy being sick!"
      Captain Stanley looked around at everyone before it clicked in his mind. "Oh! Oh no he's not very sick but enough to stay home." Chet looked over to Marco who looked over the Mike. "I don't get it" The engineer said.
      Stanley sighed. "And headquarters is sending someone to fill in for him" Cap pushed. Chet began to smile widely. "You mean...!" "Yup! Genevieve!" Chet laughed excitedly while Mike and Marco high fived.
      Now Gage was really confused. It has to be a joke, I mean it has to be! It's too good to be true! Some gorgeous female firefighter was filling in for me... now she's coming back? Of course... it could be true... and if it is... I'll be working with her!
      "Briefing in five. She should be here soon!" Captain Stanley said clapping his hands to motivate them to get ready faster. He took a deep, happy breath before walking out of the room. John, who was already dressed, just stared at the spot where Cap had disapeared.
      Man, this girl must really be something if even Cap is this excited... He smiled, and I'll be with her all shift!

I'm sorry it's so long! I wanted to put Johnny in as soon as possible

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