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      "Hey Genevieve!" Chet exclaimed coming into the rec room with Mike and Marco close behind him. A box was tucked under his arms.
      It was Genevieve's third day at station 51 and the guys had begun to try out their station humor on her.
      Ginger looked up from her book on the couch and smiled. "Hey guys. What's up?" She asked taking a sip from the coffee mug she was cuddling.
      "She's reading Chet, something unfamiliar to you, leave her alone" Roy mumbled from his place on the other side of the couch. "What's wrong with you? Normally it's Gage that hits me with the insults... actually come to think of it, I'm normally the one to get him"
      Genevieve scoffed and looked back at her book. "You guys sound like barrels of fun when you're all here" "You should see 'em when they start setting water bombs off" Roy commented keeping his eyes glued to a paper. "Oh boy. Real mature bunch are they?" "Yup-"
      "Ok! Ok! Look I didn't come out here to be insulted. I came out to see if you wanted to play Chess" Roy peered over his paper while Ginger set her book aside. "With you?" She asked laughingly, "Sure! It'll be easy to beat you"
      Chet did his best to look innocent as he said, "Hey why's everybody ganging up on me, huh? But it's not me you'll be up against. It's Stoker"
      Genevieve thought for a moment. "Alright..." she said slowly. She sat up and leaned forward as Mike shyly stepped forward.
      "Just for the record... it wasn't my idea" Stoker said, "They're crazy and trying to s-" "Stoker! Don't you dare!" Chet exclaimed pulling a chair over. "They're trying to settle a bet" he finished sitting down. Marco folded his arms and stared in suprise. "Ya jerk" Chet muttered while Roy laughed.
      "Now this I've gotta see!" Roy said. "I've got to know who looses their money. Probably you, right Chet?" "Oh I get it. Because Johnny isn't here to pick on, you're picking on me" "Yeah"
      "Shhh!" Genevieve said with a finger to her mouth as they started. The guys remained quiet for a while as Mike and Ginger went back and forth. Everyone's eyes were glued to the game.
      "What's going on?" "Hush!" Chet said spinning around. He instantly regretted it. "Oh uh hey Cap" he said stuffing his hands in his pockets as Cap stood with his hands on his hips. Chet pursed his lips.
      "I came to investigate when I noticed it was too quiet-" "Shhh" Genevieve said again as she moved a piece. Cap looked around. "Did she just shush me?" He whispered to Roy. He shrugged and nodded. "You know how Stoker is when he gets really involved in a game? That's Ginger times two" Cap shook his head. "This could be one dangerous game of Chess then"
      Mike and Genevieve nearly jumped out of their skin as the tones went off. They looked at each other wondering if the Engine or Squad would be called out. Both, they thought as the tones continued.
      "Station 51, Station 36, Engine 10, Engine 18, fire at boating docks. Winona Rd. Time out 6:45"
      "Station 51 10-4"

      Engine and Squad 51 rolled onto the scene and Genevieve imeadiately scanned her surroundings and summed up the situation.
      There were three boats already on fire along with the docks in between them. The boats close to them were also in danger of catching and by the looks of things, it was highly probable.
      Station 36 was already there and had their lines ready to go. Harsh, white, water streamed from the nozzles and onto the orange flames. "It's good that they got ready so fast" Roy said after the Captain Julian from 36's pointed them where they needed to go.
       Genevieve furrowed her brow and looked at him. "Do you think anyone is still on the boats?" Roy looked over at them as they swayed in the water. "It's possible someone could be. They'd be alive if they were" "That's good... that they have a chance I mean... but won't adding water mixed with possible holes due to the fire make the boat sink?"
      Roy looked again as they got out of the squad and gathered their gear. "Guess we better move fast if anyone's on those boats" As 51's engine crew turned on their lines and sprayed at the other boat, the two paramedics rushed to Julian for orders.
      "Foster, DeSoto; I need you to do a sweep through this boat right here. Brice, Belliveau; take the boat on our left. The engine crews will be using fog as much as they can so the boats don't flood too fast. Also, if one of you groups finishes before the other, I need you to check out the last boat. Alright?" They all nodded and walked back to get their masks and oxygen tanks.
      "Ready?" Ginger asked. "Yeah, let's go" Roy responded. "Foster" Captain Julian called as they ran past, "Good to see back" Genevieve didn't turn around at the sound of her name and he hadn't expected her to. But the captain knew she was smiling as she ran onto that boat.
      Visibility was low as the black smoke became trapped in the confined space.  "Hey! Anybody here?" Genevieve called. She entered a room and tried her best to see through the smoke. She nearly cursed as her ankle hit the side of a table. "Hello? Anyone in here?"
      No response came to the paramedics' calls and there was no sign of anyone else on the boat. The floors had started to slosh from the water and it registered in Roy's mind that there might be loose wires due to the fire.
      "Genevieve! Genevieve!" He called through his mask. She came out of the room she was searched a few seconds later. "Let's go. I don't think anyone's here" he said leading the way out. He shielded her from a blast of water as they made it to the deck and back onto the dock.
      They looked around. Brice and Belliveau were working on a patient that must have been on the boat. "Looks like the last boat is ours" Genevieve said already jogging in that direction.
      Roy wasn't far behind her but she had to swivel her head a little bit to hear him muttering about being cold. It took her a moment to realize it must have been the water. Not to mention, it was already cold out.
      They entered the boat once again and almost instantly they were hit by the thick smoke and sounds of yelling. "Someone's here! They must be below!"
      They rushed down to the bottom of the boat and forced a door open. The bottom was filled with water and the two paramedics could suddenly feel everything slowly rotating sideways. Firemen started shouting from outside the boat and Genevieve removed her mask so she could hear and talk better.
      A couple was stuck in the high waters which was up to their chests now. "Help us! Help us please!" "Don't worry!" Genevieve yelled back, "We're here! Can you swim over here?" "No! Ray is stuck!" The man gritted his teeth and looked at the paramedics in fear.
      Genevieve and Roy felt the boat lurch again and heard the firemen. This is gonna go under fast! Roy thought. "Ok. I'll come and get you-" Genevieve started but gasped when Roy grabbed her coat and pulled her back. She looked at him in shock. "Roy! Let go! What are you doing?"
      He stared wide eyed as every memory came back to him. How they met. All their hopes and dreams. Every beautiful moment they experienced together.
      Then he remembered the day when he left and broke her heart... he never made it up to her. He never spoke to her. He just left her there in that horrible orphanage. They had both lost so much that day.
      "I can't lose you again... I lo..." he chocked out. "What are you talking about? They need us!" She replied angrily as a painful reminder that she didn't remember what they once had. Genevieve began coughing from the heavy smoke and Roy made his decision quickly.
      "Never mind. I'll tell you what I mean someday" he replied forcing his way through the water, "take the girl up" She swam to Genevieve but the paramedic hesitated. "But Roy you-" "Now!"
      Ginger had no choice. She couldn't risk her patients life so she lead her to the surface. The water was pouring down the steps and was up to their knees. Two firemen pulled the girl out and then tried for Genevieve. "No! I'm going back in!" She exclaimed trying to pull away but the boat was sinking lower. "No!" She insisted and finally got out of his grasp.
      To her suprise, the two hands of the Captain grabbed her waist and pulled her up easily. A pang of longing and fear hit her heart as she was dragged away. He had started to say something important. I can't lose you... again? Was he about to say... love?
       Genevieve's head hurt from trying to make herself remember her past. Something was there that she was missing. Something she needed right now. "Ugh I can't think!" She exclaimed out loud. Brice was suddenly there with oxygen but all she could see was the boat. Sinking.
      Please Roy. Please! Be alright...  She rubbed at the patches of ash on her cheeks with the back of her hand before she stood up. "Genevieve!" Brice commanded annoyed but she wasn't listening.
      The sounds around her faded and all that mattered was the small portion of boat sticking out from the water. Her eyes stayed locked on it as she searched for any sign of her partner
      All flames were gone from the scene and station 51 had rushed over after seeing Genevieve's stuggle. An incredibly strong feeling of failure crept up Genevieve's spine and into her eyes. No... no. This is all wrong...
      Everyone watched silently as bubbles burst at the surface of the water. Other than that, it was still. At least it was untill two people burst through the water gasping for air. 
      "Roy!" Ginger yelled running to the dock. Ray was pulled out of the water first and then Genevieve pushed through the crowd.
      She took Roy's hands and pulled him out. He was shivering and sputtering but very much alive. Roy let his sky blue eyes meet sapphires. "I was so worried!" Genevieve exclaimed wrapping her coat around him tightly. He gave a tired grin and let her kiss his cheek and hug him.
      He smiled even wider seeing the rest of crew approaching in shades of green. "Hey now that's not fair!" Marco commented pointing at them. "Yeah, I mean, I never knew you got a kiss for almost dying!" Chet said with his arms folded.
       Roy just continued his smiling. He really couldn't fully comprehend what was going on, but he was loving it.

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