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      "So? What'd they say" Roy asked perched on the edge of Captain Stanley's desk as Cap hung up the phone. He sighed and leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head. 
      "Well I just spoke to McConachie and he guarantees that Genevieve is one of the best in the business. She also graduated first in her class at the academy." Roy smiled inwardly at the news "However, this could be a little complicated because, unlike last time, she's actually staying here" 
      Roy nodded distractedly and Cap gave a suspicious look. "Roy are you sure you're alright. You've seemed... different lately" Roy gave a sad smile.
      The captain was referring to his recent divorce from Joanne. Though the marriage wasn't the best, it didn't mean that he never loved Joanne... it was complicated.
      "Isn't there anything I can do to help? Maybe a day off or something?" Stanley asked shaking his head. Roy sighed "No, no. It's ok" "You could spend a day with Mrs. Stanley and I on a picnic or something. We could invite a few friends. Johnny c- "
     Roy waved a hand. "I'm fine Cap. Really." Hank didn't look too convinced but he let it go.
      Hearing the bang of the squad door, Captain Stanley leaned over to look past his crew mate. "Genevieve? Could come in here for a moment" he called sitting up.
      Moments later Genevieve stepped in quietly and said "Yes sir?"Well it seems you've made yourself a good reputation. The chief himself just bragged about you" Hank said smiling.
      Genevieve let her head drop modestly "Mac is a friend...he's very kind" she said bringing her head back up. 
       Captain Stanley searched for the right words,  seeming hesitant before going on "I'm sure that you're everything that he says you are but...well you see we've never had a woman stay overnight at the station before..."
      Genevieve gave a look of understanding and laughed. "Don't worry. I've been a Firefighter for about five years now. I've worked out all...awkward situations."
      Hank smiled, once again impressed at how well she was taking this and her willingness to cooperate "Well if you don''t have any questions I'll let DeSoto show you around" Cap concluded.
      Roy tried to keep the excitement off of his face. This was his chance to talk to her! She smiled and gave a small nod before turning to Roy. 
      "Well" he said " would you like to check out the squad?" Genevieve nodded again before they walked out. The two strolled around the front of the squad. "Works of pure beauty arn't they?" She said running a hand down the smooth, red, metal. "Yeah, yeah they are" Roy replied   
      He bit his lip before opening his mouth to say something, but just then, the bell blared calling them to action.
      Genevieve rushed over to the passenger squad door but then stopped. "You normally drive?" she called out. "Yeah" Roy answered.
      "Squad 51, child trapped. 703 Willow street cross street Morgan
      After writing it down, Roy immediately climbed into the drivers seat as Genevieve strapped her helmet on in the seat beside him. She sat a little closer than Johnny did.
       The garage door slid open revealing the world outsode. Their sirens wailed as they pulled out of the station and raced down the street in a blur of red.

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