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      Genevieve and Roy entered a grocery store nearby to get some things Genevieve needed to make dinner.
      The men had practically begged her not to make it Since they felt bad for trying to trick her, but she had insisted.
    "I'm a very stubborn woman and I often won't take no for an answer" she'd said, so the engine crew had no choice. Roy couldn't remember if she was a good cook or not but he guessed he would find out soon enough.
    "Ok I need...speghetti sauce, noodles, matzerella cheese, sugar and...nutmeg." Roy gave her a confused look and leaned on the shopping cart.
      "What are you making" he asked scrunching his nose. "Huh? Oh speghetti...or do you think I should make lasagna?" His Eyes lit up. "Speghetti sounds great! It's about time this station got some real food but... what's the sugar and nutmeg for?"
     Genevieve turned around with a mischievous smile. "That" she said waving a finger "Is my secret ingredient that you must never tell anyone about, kapeesh?" DeSoto laughted. "Cross my heart" "Now about my shopping list-"
      Suddenly a loud crash follow by a scream sounded from a few isles over. The couple quickly glanced at each other and leapt into action; the shopping list forgotten.
      After calling it in to the handi talkie and running about five isles down, the paramedics spotted a downed shelf. Cans and jars spilled everywhere and lay shattered on the floor. At first, it just appeared to be a harmless mess, other than the glass shards, but then Roy pointed out a man pinned under the wreckage.
      "Daddy! Daddy are you ok" a young girl cried out. Tears streamed down her face and her little hands covered her mouth. By the looks of it, she just narrowly escaped being trapped herself. "Don't worry princess" came the strained reply.
      "Please move back folks thank you. Move back please." Ginger went to comfort the scarred little girl while Roy knelt next to her father.
      "What happened?" He asked checking his pulse. "I- I don't know exactly. It- well the case just... fell. It sounded like something hit it but I don't know really. It-it all happened so fast ya know?"
      "Uh huh. Are you having trouble breathing?"
      "Uh... yeah... a little. Not too bad."
      "Are you in pain anywhere?"
"Um... yeah, yeah. My head and- and my leg hurt a bit. But my leg might just hurt cause of the shelf. Not- quite sure"
      Roy looked at the massive shelf and then at Genevieve who hadn't quite succeeded in calming down the girl. She had her wrapped in a hug and was trying to tell her it was gonna be alright.
    "Hey uh Ginger do you... you want to see if we can get this shelf off." Roy asked still crouching and pointed.  Genevive gave him a doubtful look as she walked over some of the cans to get to him.
      "I don't know Roy" she said in a hushed voice "if it slips then it will do more harm than good." They glanced back at the man and his daughter who was looking at the two paramedics hopefully. "We have to try" Roy said carefully, "he's having trouble breathing under there."
      Ginger nodded and took her place on the opposite side of the shelf and tried to get a good grip on the side. She waited for Roy to get a good hold himself.
      "On three ok?" Roy said giving a small nod. Genevieve shook her head "yes" and Roy began counting. "Ready one, two, three"
    They both pulled upwards on the heavy shelf but only got a little ways up; not enough to get him out. We can't get him out by ourselves Roy thought in alarm. Just then, two people joined them in pulling untill it was raised enough for the trapped father to get out.
      He slid out quickly and his rescuers gently dropped the shelf. A small smattering of applause sounded from the crowd that had gathered as the little girl ran to her father. 
      Genevieve and Roy smiled at the scene but quickly got to checking the patient over.
      "Are you in any pain now?" Genevieve asked. The man smiled up from holding his little girl tightly "No I'm not hurt. Thank you" "Well all the same, you should get checked out by a doctor for your head alright?" She gave a small smile as he nodded. "I will."
      After he had walked away the paramedics turned to the people that had helped them. "Hey thanks a lot for your help" Roy said shaking their hands. "We really couldn't have done it without you" Genevieve agreed.
      "Oh no problem. I wouldn't want to be trapped like that" one said with a laugh. "Alright well thank you" "Bye"
     Genevieve let out a breath as they walked back to their cart. She stopped suddenly and looked down an isle. When Roy gave her another puzzled look she shrugged. "I found the nutmeg"

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