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      The next day at station 51 went by quickly. Nothing very exciting happened but Genevieve loved every minute of her stay. They had all gotten to be good friends. Roy and herself had also gotten quite close though he wouldn't tell her what he had been about to say in the boat.
      Genevieve sighed as she tossed for a moment in her temporary bed. She was separated from the rest of the crew by a short brick wall. She had learned Roy was one bed over on the other side of the wall and that captain stanley was at the very end. She wasn't sure about anyone else.
      Ginger tried to get some sleep but her thoughts kept keeping her awake. Finally she gave up and let her eyes remain open and her brain awake.
       If she were being truthful to herself, she regretted her days here. She had let herself get close to them and let them make her feel at home. Now she had to leave. It always seemed to happen that way; especially when she was little. Now, she had to go back to headquarters where they couldn't even find a station for her since she had become a paramedic. 
      Genevieve turned her head as the bathroom door creaked open. Roy stepped out coughing and sniffing. He wrapped his arms around himself and slumped toward his bed.
      Ginger smiled sympathetically as he walked by and Roy chuckled, which only made him cough more. The run they had at the docks yesterday had really taken a lot out of him. Genevieve was still concerned about him but he said he was fine.
       Genevieve went back to her thinking and found herself cringing at the thought of sitting in that office until Cheif McConachie went on a run. That was the only way she was able to go on rescues. It hadn't really bothered her before but now...
       She couldn't help but let herself belive she belonged here for just a little longer. A smile spread across her face as she thought about Marco, Chet, and Mike.
      They had made sure that she knew just how much they had enjoyed everything about her. Going on and on about how amazing her cooking was and how pretty she was and about how her paramedic skills were amazing.
      She had caught them staring at her and tripping over themselves to help clear the table and show her around. Genevieve was positive that her face must have been bright red.
      She didn't really feel like she deserved compliments. Genevieve didn't think she was all that great or beautiful. She just knew she liked making people happy and helping as much as she could.
      Then there was Roy. Though he seemed a little distracted at times and nervous, he was the one Genevieve was most comfortable with. In fact, she felt as if she'd known him for years.
      Genevieve couldn't help but think about how she had felt earlier when their eyes had locked. What had she felt then on that first day? Had she felt that way before? Who even was Roy really?
      Genevieve decided it was best to put her feelings and thoughts to rest for tonight. A yawn escaped from her mouth and her muscles began to feel tired. Ginger pulled the blanket up and closed her dark blue eyes.

I promise I'm bringing John Gage back soon! Please don't hate me lol

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