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      The engine crew had gone out on a run but it was only a trash fire so they should be back soon.
      Roy was sitting on his bed fiddling with his watch when suddenly, his stomach growled.  Hmm I wasn't this hungry before, Roy thought curiously. A warm delicious scent flowed into the room making his stomach growl again.
    He got up and wandered slowly into the apparatus room where engine 51 had just arrived. Kelly closed his eyes and took a deep breath before hopping out of the firetruck.
       "Something smells really good!" Marco commented as he made his way around the massive red vehicle. "Yeah I'm starving." Captain Stanley agreed rubbing his hands together.
    "Well one things for sure," Kelly commented as the group made their way to the kitchen "if it smells this good it is defiantly not Roy's cooking" He entered in wide eyed excitement. 
      Roy couldn't exactly argue because he knew he wasn't the best cook but neither were any of the guys. He thought for a moment and frowned. "You know... it's not really that bad. I make a really good beef borgenon." He said but everyone had already left. "It was delicious" he continued, wandering in with his hands stuffed in his pockets.
      As the 5 men stepped into the rec room they saw Genevieve put a plate full of bow tie noodles on the table. She smiled as everyone walked in and started sniffing around. They eyed the food hungrily and gathered around like a pack of wolves. It seems Chet has definitely gotten over his health food kick.
      There were hot rolls and a pot full of Genevieve's special speghetti sauce. A fresh salad was also there. All the food was bright and as it should be. Not a single thing was... suspicious.
      "I hope you guys are hungry. This is one of my signature meals" Ginger said motioning for the men to sit down. "Are you kidding me" Cap said taking a seat "we're starved. And this looks absolutely delicious!" They guys mumbled and laughed in agreement.
      On his way to his seat Roy pulled out a chair for Genevieve. She smiled greatfully and daintily took her seat before he pushed it back. Roy shook his head amused at how she could be so delicate one moment and a tough firefighter the next.
      He sat down himself only to find someone had already taken the rolls out of his reach. By the looks of it, it was Chet. All he could reach at the moment was the salad. But just as Roy was about to get some, that was taken away to.
      Genevieve giggled, being the only one to witness Roy's predicament which made him smile at her. A chorus of Mmmms went around the table as they began eating the speghetti.
      "This- has to be- the best speghetti- ever" Chet said between bites while Mike nodded in agreement. "Hey how did you make this taste so good " Marco asked taking another mouthful. "Ah ah ah! It's a secret!" The guys laughed at her unwillingness to share.
       "Oh!" She said looking around at the rest of the table "what can I get everyone to drink?" "Oh it's ok you've done enough already. I'll get it" Roy said standing. He glanced around and then back at his plate. "Besides, I have nothing better to do" Roy said loudly, drawing attention to the fact that his plate just had plain noodles on it.
      Everyone requested milk except for Genevieve who asked for water. Roy finally got to eat and was rather suprised by how good it really was. He had been doubtful of the sugar and nutmeg. However, the sauce was sweet but not too sweet and had bits of meat in it.
      Captain Stanley finally paused in his eating to look up at Genevieve. He frowned. "You're not eating?" He asked concerned.
      Everyone was so into eating their own scrumptious diner that nobody had noticed that Genevieve was just happily watching.
      At first Roy thought maybe she couldn't reach anything but then noticed that everything was right in front of her.
      Genevieve shifted in her seat. "Uh I'm not really hungry. I... did a lot of taste testing anyway. Heh... guess you could say I'm tired of my own cooking" Cap raised an eyebrow still concerned. "You feel alright, right? Just tell me if you're not" She forced a tight smile and shook her head. "I'm fine Captain. Really." He didn't seem fully convinced, but he dropped it.
      Genevieve had never eaten much when she was younger because she had to share a little bit of food with twenty some girls at the orphanage. But Roy had figured that now, since she had more food and had grown, she would eat more. That didn't seem to be the case. 
      Although he couldn't see exactly how skinny she was because of her baggy uniform shirt, he could still see that she was pretty slim. Too slim for someone who ran into burning buildings every day.
      Roy wanted to ask her about it but he couldn't in front of the rest of the guys not to mention it would give away what he knew. No, he would just have to keep quiet.
      He watched as Genevieve continued to watch happily and laugh when appropriate; like something was telling her what to do. Controlling how she was acting. For all he knew, maybe something was.

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