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      Genevieve looked happily out of the squad window silently mapping out her surroundings. So that's my street which means that-
      "So did you and Roy switch up driving last shift or did he drive?" Gage asked. Genevieve shook off any annoyance she felt at being inturupted and gave a smile.
      "Roy drove unless, of course, he was riding in the ambulance" she said fixing her bangs and adjusting herself into a better position to talk to her new partner. John chuckled. "Probably just as well. This is a- a big peice of machinery to handle! Ya know, if ya don't pay attention or if you're not careful, a wreck could happen easily"
      She eyed him uncertainly. "I have driven the squad before. I've driven the engine before too. I'm more than capable of both" He glanced over at her.
      Hmmm... normally works with the nurses but she already knows this stuff. This is gonna be harder than I thought!
      "Oh, I'm sure of that!" He exclaimed and then paused. Genevieve, assuming he was done speaking, turned back to the window. "Ya know," Gage started again, "It's really odd that they already allowed you to become a firefighter or a paramedic"
      Her eyes widened. "It's beg your pardon?" "Well I mean, they've sent us woman trainees, but you're so... different from them. You should be modeling or safe at home" He had of course meant to compliment how pretty she was but Ginger was hearing it in a slightly different way.
      "I'm sorry... Gage, I put up with a lot of teasing, name calling, and humiliation in the academy. I'm working very hard to overcome my own doubts plus everyone else's and so far, I've done pretty good. I can do anything a man can do on this job. Please... doubting or insulting me isn't going to help either of us"
      Johnny stared in disbelief as they came to a red light. "Insulting and- and- and... doubting you! I was- you took it- how did you come up with that! I mean, that's far from the truth!" "Excuse me?" She said trying to stay calm, "Everything I said was the truth" "No no no... I mean that what you said about what I said wasn't the truth"
      Genevieve raised an eyebrow and then gave up. She folded her arms. "Ok" How could you be so stupid! He's not Roy so why expect him to think like Roy! To her, there was nothing more disapointing than when someone didn't think she could reach her dreams because she was a woman.
      And to Gage... well, this was the most disapointing thing. John snuck another glance at her and melted again. She really is incredible... I just need to be more careful about what I say. And the timing needs to be perfect next time!
      Genevieve looked over to him and he smiled getting lost in her eyes. Everything went slow motion as she blinked at him. "Gage" she said quietly.
      "Uh huh"
      "Gage!" Genevieve repeated in distress. He was brought back to reality. Cars were beeping behind him and Ginger was watching him wide eyed. "What?" He asked looking around confused. "The light is green" she said annoyed. It took John a moment to process what she had just said but a long honk sounded. "Oh! Oh right!" He exclaimed seeing the light turn yellow.
      He quickly drove the squad across the intersection just before the light turned red again. Genevieve buried her face in her hands and sighed as people shouted from their cars stuck at the new red light. John chuckled nervously but kept quiet the rest of the way to Rampart in hopes that she would cool off.

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