How it began.

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"(Y/N) wake up!" my mom shouts from the other room. I'm finally getting a job. I look over to my phone, examining it's (F/C) case, I wonder why the alarm didn't go off? I check the time on my phone. "God damn it I over slept!" I shouted running into the bathroom taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth, fixing my hair in the process, guess I have bed head, so annoying. As I'm brushing my (H/C) locks the brush gets tangled, I had to pull it as hard as I could and it finally got through. "Damn that hurt" I said. Once I finished I got dressed, putting on a white t-shirt and blue jeans with black shoes. I also put on a (F/C) sweatshirt since it's like 50° F outside. Running into the kitchen I see my mom. She says "Good luck (Y/N), love ya". "Love you to mom" I say as I rush out the door but not before grabbing a pop-tart. I know it's sad the fact I'm 18 but still live with my mom, my dad passed away when I was only 6. Don't even have a car damn it. But I did have a nice bike, guess it's a good thing the job is close. I get on my bike and put on some (F/B) *Favorite band* . As I am singing I guess that I was to in the moment. Going down hill my brakes didn't work. I was inside a lane no cars were driving in so I wouldn't hit one. When crossing the intersection I heard a loud beeping when I was speeding down the hill. Some thing nudged my shoulder hard and it hurt a bit then suddenly I blacked out, whoops.

Congrats you read 300 words. Now play some video game and be lazy you earned it!. By: Leon lemon looker.

Nick wilde x Male! Reader. The Foxy ManWhere stories live. Discover now