First mission!

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Today is the day I start my first mission. I am filled with so much excitement that I should explode. I am halfway to the building an hear someone yell "wait up!" I turn around to see Judy running after me. "Hey Judy" I yell back. I slow down so she can catch up to me. "Want to go together" she asks. I say "Sure but since I have about an hour I'm gonna go to the cafe. Wanna come?" I ask. She nods her head and we arrive there. I get 5 coffees all the same except for one which I put extra cream, sugar and whipped cream. The coffees are for me, Nick, Judy, Clawhauser, and chief Bogo. "Woah, why so many?" Judy asks I told her who they are for and she quickly grabs her coffee and says thank you. When we finally get to the ZPD I hand the special coffee to Clawhauser. "Omg you didn't have to get me one. Thank you so much." "No problem." I say as I continue to what I assume is the meeting room. When I get there I hand a coffee to Nick and Bogo. Both say thank you. Once Bogo sends everyone off to there missions I realised he never called me. "Chief Bogo, you didn't say what I was doing" I say confused. "That's because they can't know what your doing. You have to rescue a hostage from, yes, armed thugs" he tells me. He hands me different weapons like two swords and there sheaths. He also handed me a shot gun with a bunch of rounds and a holster for it. He also handed me a suit so no one could notice who I was. It was a skin tight suit with white slits that I can look through. I put the suit on and the weapons. I go on my mission. There where a bunch of guards (I left some guns out btw) and took them out both with my suppressed sniper. I ran inside only to automatically be shot at. Dodging the bullets the best I could and ran to cover. I shot the guards with my twin pistols and the rest with my shotgun. Avoiding the hostage. I then feel a gun pressed on the back of my skull. Thinking quickly I moved my head the left and grabbed the gun out his hand shooting him in the head. I undid the hostages tied up hands and took them to chief Bogo. "Good job (Y/N). That was quick and your first mission no less." He tells me. I took off my suit and put my guns in a duffel bag. "So what did you do?" Judy asks me. "Meh, just a robbery." I'm goin home I guess. I. Am. Tired.

Nick wilde x Male! Reader. The Foxy ManWhere stories live. Discover now