Whats going on?!

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"owww" I said waking up from my previous blackout. I had a splitting head ache. "Where the hell am I?" I say noticing I was in a different location. The ground was concrete and I heard the buzzing of cars go by. I look up to see animals but...Walking and talking?!!! Getting on my feet I was really confused and a bit scared. I was in an unknown place and I have no clue what happened. Last thing I remember is being hit on the shoulder by something, then it hit me. The beeping noise must have been a bus by the sound of it meaning...I'm dead!! "What the fuck?!!" I shouted loudly, having every animal look at me. Thinking quickly I ran into an ally which wasn't hard to find since there are a lot of buildings. Somehow I tripped myself falling with a thud.Once I got up I saw a puddle of trash water, I look in and see a wolf with (E/C) eyes and white fur. I turn around to see no one behind me. I turn back to the water and put a hand on my chin to contemplate and feel fur on my chin. I am basically hyperventilating at this point. I pull some out and it hurt, telling me the fur was growing out of me. I put my hand out Infront of me to look at the fur but only saw a white paw with sharp claws. *Da fuq* I think in my head. I scratch myself to make sure it's mine. "What the actual fuck". I was a wolf. "Hey buddy you might wanna watch that language, you could get in trouble." I turn around to see a fox with emerald green eyes and a green shirt complimented with a blue neck tie. He was hot. "S-sorry I'm just really confused at the moment *blush* can you tell me where I am." I asked still a bit confused. "Huh so you're new here. Well bud your in the heart of Zootopia." He tells me "Thanks Mr uhhh" "Nick Wilde" "Thank you Mr.Wilde" I say at least knowing a bit about where I am now. "Just call me Nick okay? Anyway how about you and me chat since I'm pretty bored at the moment." "Uh sure why not." I say smiling. Me and Nick get out the ally and start walking the streets of Zootopia. "So where are you from?" Nick asks suddenly. Not knowing exactly what to say I told him "I don't have a home" "What no home?! Well that just doesn't make sense. You know what I have a big enough house already how about you come live with me?" Nick asks. I start to cry, tears staining my cheeks. "R-really?" I ask. "Of course, hey don't cry friend." Nick says as he wraps his arms around me in a warm and a kind of tight hug. "Want something to eat, I bet your hungry." Nick asks. "No thanks I'm not hungry." After I say that my stomach rumbles proving me wrong. "Come on I know this great place we can go to, but we need to take a short cut."
-Time skip since I have no ideas-
"Yum dinner was great, thanks Nick!"  I shouted hugging. "No problem." Nick says blushing but hugging back. Once we make it to his house I see it is huge. "Welp here's the house, I have an extra key I can give you" Nick says giving me a key. Nick is one of the kindest people I have ever met. Once I go into the bedroom he shows me I think of a plan. When Nick sat down on the couch I snuck up behind him and...

Sorry cliff hanger, someone has decided to become my co-writer to which I agreed, his name is SWAGFOX123. Thanks and in the comments below give me some ideas for the next chapter.

Nick wilde x Male! Reader. The Foxy ManWhere stories live. Discover now