CH 2

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-First day of school, lunch time-

The door to classroom 3-A opened revealing the Japanese trio who were on their way out.

"So, where are we eating?" Mina asked.

"Umm I'm going to meet up with Jeongyeon in the canteen." Momo hesitantly replied.

"With her friends?" Sana butted in.

"Yeah most probably." Momo nodded and exchanged meaningful look with Sana before turning her head to Mina.

"I'll be meeting with my girl also." Sana said quite happily.

"Alright then. Solo mode for me." Mina said while checking her phone.

Sana furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why? Where's Jisoo?"

"She's going to eat out with her group." Mina just shrugged.

"Wanna come join us, Minari?" Momo asked, feeling a little bad for their friend.

Mina put her phone back inside her shoulder bag.

"Nah. I'm cool."

Sana reached out for Mina's hands and she intertwined their fingers.

"Come with me. I will introduce you to my baby's friends." Sana cutely said, blinking her eyes a few times rapidly.

Mina stared at Sana. It had always been hard for her, or even anybody, to refuse to this precious human being especially when she was acting adorably cute like that.

Mina put on a small smile and said, "Maybe next time, Sana."

Sana pouted. "Aww are you sure?"

Mina let go of Sana's hands.

"Aish you two! Don't worry about me, ok?" She huffed, ruffling Sana's and Momo's hair in the process.

She loves her two best friends, no doubt about it, and she appreciates all the care and concern they are showing to her but Mina doesn't quite like it when they overdo it and treat her like she is not okay, when in fact, she is.

She started walking away from the two.

"See you both later! Have fun." Mina said, one arm raised and doing a waving motion without looking back.


-School canteen-

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