CH 23

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"I love this song." Mina said.

Melting was currently playing and Mina was singing along. She sang the whole first verse up till the chorus, while Tzuyu sang the chorus part with her.

"Wow you have such a nice voice," Mina complimented, without taking her eyes off the road. The two girls were on the way to Chaeyoung's house.

Tzuyu craned her neck and rested her head on the side, facing Mina.

"Right back at you," they both chuckled. "Why don't you join the school band?"

Mina scoffed, "With Nayeon and Jisoo? Yeah, maybe I should."

Tzuyu frowned. It didn't occur to her that two of Mina's exes were in the band. She instantly regretted asking that question. Having to deal with Mina and Nayeon on a regular basis was more than enough to trigger conflicting emotions inside of her, adding Jisoo to the mix will just make it even harder for her.


"Do you want me to?"

"No..." Tzuyu whispered loud enough for Mina to hear.

Mina glanced at her, a small smile plastered on her face. "Ok then, end of discussion," she softly said, earning a smile back from Tzuyu.


Chaeyoung rushed out of the house to open the gate for MiTzu.

"Hey Chaeng Chaeng." Mina greeted with a huge grin.

"Mina unnie! Chewy! Please come in."

As soon as Tzuyu and Mina entered inside the house, a young man who was idly sitting on the couch, greeted Tzuyu. He did a double take after sparing a glance at the girls' direction, then, he immediately sprung off from his seat.

"Holy shit! It's Myoui Mina!" The young man yelled in amazement.

"Language! Or do you want me to staple that filthy mouth of yours, Jeonghun?" Chaeyoung scolded.

MiTzu looked at each other and laughed.

"Yup, that's me!" Mina said.

"Sorry unnie," Chaeyoung uttered, smiling apologetically. "This is my brother, Jeonghun."

Jeonghun bowed his head, "Sorry noona! I-I was just surprised to see you! You are so beautiful! I'm a fan of your group especially Sana!" he said all in one breath.

"Oh is that so? I be sure to let Sana know." Mina playfully said.

"Woah daebak! Can I take a ---"

Chaeyoung shushed her brother and gently but hurriedly pushed him out of the door, "Your friends are waiting for you. See you later!" Before Jeonghun could react, Chaeyoung had already closed the door, earning a loud grunt from the young man.

"Your brother looks so much like you." Mina said, chuckling.

"Yeah I always tell her that," Tzuyu agreed.

"I guess. He can be a handful sometimes." Chaeyoung said.

Mina shrugged, "That's normal. He's a boy and he's young. By the way, where can I put this?" she held up a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

Chaeyoung took the box from Mina and set it down on the table in the middle of the sitting area where they will have their movie marathon.

The girls decided to have a Transformers series marathon. Chaeyoung set up the dvd and got the 1st installment loading, while Mina helped Tzuyu prepare popcorns and drinks.

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