CH 13

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"Mina-yah!" Jihyo ran up to Mina and gave her a hug.

Mina was slightly surprised, but hugged Jihyo back anyway. She saw Jeongyeon and Nayeon approaching them.

"Hey. What's up?" Mina said as she broke off the hug.

"Nothing! I just felt like giving you a hug since you rarely hangout with us." Jihyo said, pouting.

"It's cause she is busy with her new SOPHOMORE friends."

"Nice to see you too, Jeongyeon." Mina greeted, purposely ignoring the short-haired girl's comment. She then looked at Nayeon, who seemed to be having a really good day as the older was smiling brightly at her, "Hey Nayeon."

"Hi Mina." Nayeon greeted back.

"Come hangout with us, Minari." Jihyo said as she gently held onto Mina's arm.

As much as Mina didn't want to refuse Jihyo, she had to. Not because of Nayeon, but because she wasn't in the mood to deal with them that time. "Sorry Jihyo, but I have some things to do." she declined and gave an apologetic smile to Jihyo.

"Aww..." Jihyo sadly pouted again while Nayeon's bright smile faded.

"Like what? Meet with erm.. What's her name.. Tsu.. Oh ya! Tzuyu." Jeongyeon asked.

Upon hearing Tzuyu's name, Mina couldn't help but feel annoyed. "None of your business."

"Ohh.. Why so serious? Wait! Don't tell me..." Jeongyeon raised her eyebrows. Jihyo shot a warning stare at her, but Jeongyeon just ignored it and continued, "She rejected you?"

Mina balled her fists and when things were about to get messy, they all heard a yell coming from a distance.


All four girls simultaneously turned their heads toward the approaching figure.

"Woah! Speaking!" Jeongyeon blurted out.

"T-tzuyu...?" Mina mumbled under her breath.

"There you are!" Tzuyu said with a toothy smile on her face as she made a beeline for Mina, "I've been searching everywhere for you." As soon as she was right beside Mina, she reached out for her hand and intertwined their fingers.

Mina was flabbergasted. Her mouth fell open as her wide eyes went rolling back and forth between their joint digits and Tzuyu's smiling face. She was too stunned to even utter a word. Meanwhile, the other three girls were also surprised by the sudden happening; they exchanged quizzical glances with one another. It was Jihyo who decided to break the silence.

"Are you two... together?" She asked, taking a quick glance at Nayeon before looking back at the pair.

"Yes we are!" Tzuyu exclaimed. "Why? Did my honey say something?" she asked as she looked questioningly at Mina, who was still gaping at her, frozen.

"N-no. We just thought... Nevermind it's nothing." Jeongyeon waved her hands.

"We just had a small misunderstanding last time, right?" Tzuyu said. She squeezed Mina's hand urging her to say something.

"Y-yeah." was all Mina managed to say. She shook her head and closed her mouth, trying her best to not look very confused.

"Anyway, can I steal her for awhile?" Tzuyu sheepishly asked and before anybody could reply, Tzuyu was already practically dragging Mina along with her, away from the trio.

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