CH 3

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Mina gently grabbed the hands that were covering her eyes and removed it away from her face.

She smiled and said, "Jisoo." How could she not know when she could smell the girl's sweet perfume even from a distance?

"Hey babe." Jisoo greeted. She turned around the bench to sit beside Mina.

"Penny for your thoughts?" She teased, flashing that signature smile of hers that reached her eyes.

Mina stared at the beauty beside her. If there was one thing she liked the most about Jisoo, it was her smile, a smile that could turn anybody into a complete mush, a smile that could make anybody forget about their own worries. The one thing she both liked and hated the most, if that was even possible. She hated it because it reminded her of a certain someone.

"Cute smile." The words suddenly echoed in her mind.

"Mina?" Jisoo asked, a bit worried.

Mina took a deep breath and sighed.

"Was just daydreaming about you." Lie but what can she say?

Jisoo, although not fully convinced, chuckled and extended an arm towards Mina's head.

"Yeah right." She sniggered and ruffled Mina's hair.

"What are you doing here anyway? I thought you're eating out with your friends?" Mina asked.

"I did go with them and bought food for us." Jisoo said. She reached down beside the bench and lifted up a paper bag which she had silently put there just before she covered Mina's eyes.

"Jisoo, you didn't have to do this." Mina said softly, her eyes were full of different kinds of emotion Jisoo couldn't decipher.

Jisoo took out two cups of cold vanilla frappe and handed one to Mina.

"But I wanted to. Besides, I missed you so I want to spend my spare time with you." She said looking straight into Mina's eyes and the latter knew Jisoo meant every single word, and it made her heart throbbed.

"Hold this bag please."

Mina did as she was told while Jisoo took out the last item inside the bag, a box of macaroon. She placed it on her lap and opened the top cover.

"Didn't you miss me?" Jisoo asked with a bit of disappointment in her tone, looking expectantly at her girlfriend.

"Of course I did." Mina answered, her lips curled into a genuine smile.

Feeling contented, Jisoo grabbed one piece of macaroon and feed it to Mina, the latter took a bite then Jisoo ate the remaining half.

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