CH 20

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"Ice cream!" Mina said in delight, while pointing to Baskin Robbins.

"But we just ate." Tzuyu said as she continued walking and tried to pull Mina with her, but the latter didn't budge.

"Yeah but we didn't have dessert yet."

"Do we have to?"

"Yes! Don't worry, we'll keep walking to burn those calories."

"I'm not worried about that."

"Didn't you tell me to keep my word? So now is your chance to buy me something." Mina said, grinning.

Tzuyu sighed in defeat, "Fine, you win."

"Yey!" Mina softly yelled, and briskly walked towards the desired kiosk, pulling Tzuyu with her.

As soon as MiTzu came in, they saw a familiar figure giving directions to the staff attending to her.

"Wait, isn't that?" Tzuyu whispered.

Mina shrugged and whispered back, "Looks like her."

The pair walked in further and stopped just an arm's length away from the familiar figure's back.

"Jihyo unnie?" Tzuyu said in a questioning manner.

Upon hearing the voice, Jihyo instantly turned around to face them with a surprised look on her face.

"Mina! Tzuyu!" She exclaimed, giving each girl a hug. "What a surprise to see you two here."

"Nice to see you too, Jihyo." Mina said, chuckling.

"Out on a date huh?" Jihyo teased.

"Yup, saturdate!" Mina answered, looking at Tzuyu, who nodded as support.

MiTzu gave their orders to the available staff. Mina ordered one scoop of rainbow sherbet and one scoop of love potion topped with strawberry puree, while Tzuyu ordered just a scoop of cookies n' cream without any toppings.

Mina noticed Jihyo's order which consisted of 3 cups with different flavors.

"Three cups?" She said out loud.


"That's all for you?" Mina asked, pout-pointing at Jihyo's ice cream bag.

"Of course not!" Jihyo answered, a smirk played on her lips.

Mina did a double take; for a second, she thought she saw Jihyo smirked.

Once they had finished paying for their orders, the trio headed out and almost bumped into –

"Ah! What took you girls so long?!" Jihyo complained.

"Hey Mina and Tzuyu!" Jeongyeon greeted.

"Hi Jeongyeonnie and Nayeonnie." Tzuyu greeted back with a small smile.

On the other hand, Mina and Nayeon seemed to have been locked in a staring competition. Tzuyu subtly tugged Mina's hand, while Jeongyeon faked a cough.

"Oh hi Tzuyu. Mina." Nayeon mumbled, a little embarrassed. "Good to see you two."

"Indeed it is good to see them, right?" Jeongyeon commented.

Jihyo shot Jeongyeon a warning glare.

"I mean it." Jeongyeon raised her hands in the air.

"Same here." Mina nonchalantly said.

"So where are you going now?" Jihyo asked.

"Nowhere in particular. Just walking around." Mina replied.

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