CH 22

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"Thank you so much!" Nayeon said to the lady staff working in the canteen. Her and Mina fetched their food, and were now on the way back to their usual table.

The others had been chattering away while excitedly waiting, having been already informed of the delicious treat beforehand. 3mix and Mina already discussed to whom they would be sharing their food with; Jeongyeon would of course share with Momo, Jihyo with Sana, while Nayeon with Dahyun. Leaving Mina to share with Tzuyu and Chaeyoung. However, Jihyo had a better plan.

As soon as Nayeon and Mina had finished setting their meals on the table, and as soon as all of them were comfortably settled down, each of them said their thanks to Nayeon. For some reason, Mina and Tzuyu ended up not sitting beside each other. The sitting arrangement went like this: Mina > Jihyo > Nayeon > Tzuyu > Dahyun > Sana > Chaeyoung > Jeongyeon > Momo > Mina

"Alright girls. Since we don't have much of this black pig bbq, we have to share. But we want to make it interesting so let's have a game first, shall we?" Jihyo cheerfully stated.

"What kind of game?" Sana asked.

Mina and Jihyo shared knowing looks.

"Aegyo battle."

They heard the maknae line grunt.

"Starting off with Chaeyoung then Tzuyu. Winner gets to share with Mina." Jihyo announced.


"NO!" ChaeYu cried out, but to no avail as the girls started cheering for them.

"Aegyo aegyo aegyo!" they chanted.

Chaeyoung blushed hard as all eyes were on her, eagerly waiting for what she was gonna do.

"Umm.. Mina unnie.." Chaeyoung shyly started. "MiChaeng!" she blurted out, while pointing at herself.

"MiChaeng~" Chaeyoung repeated, and was about to form a heart shape with her hands, but Mina cut her off.

"Next!" Mina softly yelled, chuckling.

Chaeyoung whimpered, feeling dejected.

Now the spotlight was on Tzuyu. Everybody was expectantly looking at her, cheering. She was feeling jittery because of the impending embarrassment she was about to get herself into, but seeing as Chaeyoung, who hated doing aegyo on purpose, managed to do it, she knew she could also do it. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. Once she opened them back, it was as if she turned into a completely different person. She put on a really adorable eyesmile, and then --

"Aishiteru~ Mina-san~" Tzuyu said in her aegyo voice, while successfully forming a heart shape with her hands. "MiTzuuu~"

Tzuyu immediately covered half of her face with her hands, laughing at how embarrassed she felt. It was the first time she did aegyo in front of anybody.

They all lightheartedly laughed and clapped at how cute Tzuyu was, even Nayeon.

"No! It's mine! MiChaeng arrr!" Chaeyoung whined like a little baby. Tzuyu gave her an apologetic look.

"I guess we have a winner!" Jihyo exclaimed, still cackling.

Mina took a piece of bbq and fed it to Tzuyu, who was still furiously blushing. "Nice Japanese you got there," she said, smiling.

Chaeyoung looked sad, but she immediately turned happy when Mina reached over and also fed her with a piece.

"We will all share. We just wanted to see you two do aegyo." Mina said, a gummy smile plastered on her face.

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